Chapter 1: The Problem

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Michelle Silas pulled into the driveway of her father's mansion, noticing how the smog of her engine contrasted the picturesque white statues. It wasn't her fault the only car she could afford was a 1987 Honda civic with a will to live and a penchant for black smoke. Good ole Betsy had been there for her many times, whereas her dad didn't even invite her over for Christmas these days. But today was not a day for family drama, Michelle needed something very specific. Michelle needed money, and she needed it yesterday.

Most of her friends didn't understand how the daughter of a millionaire who had personally worked for Bill Gates for decades could be so broke. "Just ask your dad for money," they said. If only it were that simple, Michelle would have a very different life. She'd have a cell phone, a functioning car, a bed, and what she wanted most, to go to college. Michelle had dreamt of becoming a lawyer, and unlike her father who had gotten full rides scholarships to Princeton once upon a time, Michelle didn't have a way to cover her tuition. Sure, her father could afford to pay for her schooling without blinking, but he didn't. As Michelle slammed Betsy's door, she remembered why she hadn't come back sooner.

After Michelle graduated from high school, her father had decided to get married. He'd been dating this woman, Britain Declan, for about a year. Aside from having a ridiculous name and being only six years older than Michelle, Britain was a horrible and vapid woman. Michelle could feel her mother rolling over in her grave every time Britain showed up to a family gathering with her fake boobs, bad highlights, and spray on tan. It was embarrassing, and Michelle didn't trust Britain's affections for her much older, much rounder father. So, following what she'd always known about money, Michelle used the purse to fight her battles and hired a private investigator to follow Britain and make sure she behaved appropriately. Michelle just wanted to be sure Britain was worthy of be the next Mrs. Silas, and being able to keep her legs crossed was a big part of that. Months passed, and Michelle couldn't find any dirt on Britain. Until the night when she did, and that was the night before her father's wedding.

The Private Eye she'd hired, Dustin James, called Michelle during the rehearsal dinner. He had photos, ones they referred to as money shots in the PI business, and they were worth the hefty retainer Michelle had been paying him. Much to her surprise, the photos were of Britain and a woman, getting down and dirty in a hotel room with the curtains open. Michelle didn't sleep a wink that night, unsure what to do. She decided originally to let it pass, because she couldn't get the guts to tell her dad. Michelle tried to tell her Dad several times, but he was so happy. Michelle hadn't seen Dad smile in so long, and she just let it go. And then the priest started the vows, skipping over the "speak now, or forever hold your peace" part. Apparently, they didn't do that these days. But Michelle's mouth overtook her mind, and before she could stop herself, she spoke out.

"Wait, Dad, you can't marry her. Don't do this, you're making a mistake."

"Michelle, honey, I'm not," Michelle’s Dad said, whispering. People were murmuring gin the audience of the church. "I will always love your mom, but she'd understand. She's been gone for ten years, and I love Britain."

"But she doesn't love you, she doesn't even love men, for Christ's sake. Dad, I cannot let you marry a botoxed, spray tanned, lesbian Twinkie. It's not right."

"What did you say?" Britain yelled. "Bitch, I am not a lesbian."

The crowd let out a general gasp. The intervention was not going well.

"Dad, I hired an investigator," Michelle said. "He has photos of Britain, having sex with a woman at the Sunset Motel."

"You what?" her dad yelled. "Michelle, let's speak in private, now! Reverend, please play the slideshow while I deal with my daughter."

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