Episode 5

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Ali was completely out as all she could do was sleep. She wasn't exceptionally tired but she needed the rest after a long day. Emily crawled into the bed as laid along side her.

"Ali?" Emily says.
"Ali are you awake?" She asks.

For a moment Ali never responded. Emily felt unsure as she turned to face the ceiling. Emily was hoping that Alison was awake just so that they could say goodnight together. Slowly Alison opened her eyes. She moves her head to see that Emily was gazing up. Then she lifted the sheets so that she could move and turned to face Emily.

Emily realised that Ali was awake and then rolled to face her. Ali and Emily moved closer towards one another and stared into each other's eyes. They were both back and forth to one another's eyes and lips unsure whether to make a move or keep on glaring at one another in a romantic way.

Without a second to loose Emily powerfully leaned in to meet her lips with those of the warm hearted Alison. Ali never backed away. With a strong motion Alison passionately kissed Emily back. Their lips departed only for a second to breath. Emily was mostly on top of Ali but not quite and then they rolled to have Alison fully on top of Emily taking in every breathless moment. Yet all they were wearing were vests and panties.

The next day arrived and it was raining. Heavily raining. Alison delicately opened her eyes with a warm beautiful smile. A blink at a time and she was awake. Slowly she rolled onto her back carefully trying not to wake Emily. As she laid on the bed next to Emily's side she couldn't help but smile at every glance. She was happy where she was and who she was with.

10 minutes later and Emily was still not awake. Instead Alison decided to go and make coffee to make her more alert and awake. She prepared herself some coffee as she sat at the kitchen table scanning her phone and checking for the latest updates on all things 21st century. Nothing much interesting. Although she did get some texts from her friends asking for a chat, if they want to meet up n all that. But one number hadn't been familiar in a long time. It was unknown but Ali knew straight away who it was. Rollins.

Alison's first instinct was to ignore it and that's what she did. She knew she had to read it though to see what he wanted. It read,

'Hey Ali. It's Elliot. You probably don't remember me. Long time no see. I'd like to meet with you. Catch up. Get a coffee. See what's the latest. Hope to hear from you.'

Ali picked up her phone, read the message, and put it straight back down without thought except what to tell Emily. She sipped on her coffee and finished it after a while. She was wondering whether Emily had woken up so she decided to go back to the bedroom to check. Emily was still fast asleep. Alison knew that Emily however had to go to work. Meanwhile Alison still has yet to find a job. As much as she didn't want to, Alison kneeled down next to where Emily was sleeping and woke her up gently with a smile. It was so beautiful.

"Hey babe," She said.
"You need to get up. You gotta go to work." She continued as she was stroking her hair. Emily blinked a couple times and then she opened her eyes and smiled at the sight of Ali. It was so sweet.
"Is it that time already?" Emily asked.
"Yeah. You gotta go to work on this not so beautiful day." Ali positively said.
"Okay. I'll get up. I like the way you get me up in the mornings. That's one reason I love u. You know just how to do it. Ugh. Now I gotta get up!" She sweetly said and then angrily exclaimed as she didn't want to leave that every moment.
"Hey c'mon! Think positive. You never know something good might come out of it." Ali said and then Emily replied with a smile.

Alison soon got up as she went to make Emily a coffee. As she reached the door she stopped.
"Hey Em." She said.
"Yeah?" Em replied.
"Thanks. Being with you is all I need to make me happy."
Emily smiled again and so did Ali.
"I love you" Ali exclaimed.
"I love you too" Em replied and Ali left the room. This made them both very happy.

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