Chapter Two: I'm meant to be your Best Mate

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Luke's POV

I had decided to look further away but making sure not to get too close to the force field ignoring the constant stares from Unit just the other side of it.

There eyes keep grazing over me like they can't quite figure out what is going on. I mean if I was them I would be just as confused. I never been so close to Unit before mum has done all she can to make sure they never figure me out.

"Luke can you stay away from there!" she shouts over at me.

"We have to search the whole area!" I tell her looking through the rubble.

"I know but they won't stop staring at you!" she shouts back to me.

I look over at Unit and then to my mum, "Are you sure its me they are looking at? Could be you or the fact that there is two aliens just over there," I tell her.

"Well they could be possible too but," she goes to say.

"Mum they don't know who I am or what I am. Stop worrying," I try make her feel a little less on edge.

"Stop talking more looking!" booms Don.

I shake my head before I go back to searching properly my fingers already hurting from going through so much of the rubble I had caught my hands a couple times and my left hand is slightly bleeding. I've not told mum. She will just start to worry.

I move over slightly and then I spot it. A gold key standing out underneath one of the torn off seats of the spaceship. I wonder why its so important? Would it be wise to give it to Don? But yet if we don't we are stuck here. I quickly dig it out catching my right hand on a sharp piece of the torn ship a long deep cut now visible blood rushing to the surface. I have the key in my hand. I pull it back wincing in pain.

I get to my feet trying to figure out how to calm the bleeding down. I place the key in my pocket with my left hand.

"Luke your hand," says my mum who had just arrived behind me.

"I caught it," I tell her quickly.

"Come here," she says as I turn to her and she takes off her jacket taring some of it before wrapping it around my hand tightly keeping it there firm.

"That least stop it bleeding too much until we can get something proper to bandage it up," she smiles.

"Mum I found it," I whisper into her ear now.

"You found it?" she asks puzzled.

I take it out my pocket with my left hand to show her carefully. "Why would this key be so important?" she questions.

"I don't know but it could be dangerous to give it to him but do we have any other choice?" I ask her.

"No I don't think we do."

"Why have you stopped!" booms Don now coming towards us.

Mum makes me put it back into my pocket before we turn to him as he arrives near us. "I want to know what this key is!"

"Why would I tell you that! You are little more then humans and have no importance. I need the key that is all you need to know and if you don't continue to look I will do something that you won't like!" he shouts at mum.

"We have a right to know what we are looking for," I say to him now.

His attention snaps to me, "You have no rights in my eyes boy!"

"His name is Luke and everyone has rights!"

"The key is to unlock the most deadliest weapon right here on Earth. I have been protecting it for over hundred years. The weapon is so advanced that if it was released onto earth, it will destroy the earth," says the green alien who had managed to get to his feet and walk over to us.

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