I - Study! [ One Shot ]

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A/N: No lemon intended, but tell me if you want some lemon for the next chapters :)

A pile of books.

More pile of books.

And more pile of books.

Your room was definitely consumed by books here and books there, due to the unwanted exams. The teachers were really crazy announcing suddenly that the class will be having 3 exams straight the next day.

You do not want to study since today was like, one of your important days. You had a plan to go to the movies with Song Joong Ki, your handsome boyfriend.

You decided to call and tell him about your situation and hope that he would understand. You opened your phone and decided to text him.

" Hey... about our plans today... Well the problem is... I need to study eventhough I didn't really want to.. But can't help it... 3 exams straight. I'm sorry but could we meet up tomorrow? I'm really sorry. "

So that's about it. You dragged yourself to your dressing table which was now full of books because you never actually bought make ups and fill the dressing table. So it has now turned into your study table. Flipping pages by pages... You finally found the chapter you are about to study. It didn't take long before you heard a ringtone from your phone. You walked over to your phone and picked it up.

" Hello? "

" Annyeong, (Y/N). Its me. You need to study now? "

" Yeah... 3 exams tomorrow. "

" Aaah.... so you're actually choosing books over your boyfriend? "

You know he's teasing you now. The way he talks explains it all.

" It's not like that Joong Ki-shi! I just had to study. So can we meet up tomorrow? Maybe after school we could hang out? "

" .... "

" Joong Ki? You there? "

" I'll head over to your house. "


That was. unexpected.

You rushed to your wardrobe, browsing through your clothes, in attempting to find a black shirt because well... Your boyfriend loves wearing black oufits. But really... He looks good and attractive wearing black outfits...

Hey its not the time to be daydreaming about your boyfriend's outfit! He could be here anytime! Your house is not too far from his!

you took out your one and only perfume which your best friend, Hye Kyo, gave you as a birthday present.

You sprayed it once. twice. and done! He's just visiting your house.. Why bother looking good and dressing well? No reason, maybe. Just what almost every girl does before her boyfriend came over.

As soon as you finished fixing yourself, you head back to the dressing table; or now your study table and started reading.

Ding Dong!

What.. That was too fast! Well.. He is Song Joong Ki anyway... He always arrive quick.

You head downstairs and opened the door, revealing your really drop dead gorgeous boyfriend, smiling at you.

Gosh, that smile always made you blush.

He placed an arm on your shoulder and started patting it slowly. " I know you wanted to study... But I can't wait to see my girlfriend. " He said, with a cute smile.

You love his smiles. It always cheers you up whenever you feel down in the dumps.

Both of you headed to your room.

He skimmed through your other books, trying to busy himself by studying what you are going to study.

" Joong Ki? "

He didn't look at you, but he replied with a hum.

" Aren't you bored? I'm sorry if you had to accompany me studying. "

Without saying another word, your boyfriend head over to your table and bent down a bit, so his face would be at your level.

" I don't mind doing nothing. Seeing my girlfriend studying is good enough. "

Its unfair how the words he spoke always seem to made your heart skip a beat. Even one-word words such as annyeong or kamsahamnida could make you roll around. Really unfair. You pouted, thinking about this unfairness.

He grinned at your pout and pinch your cheeks softly.

" Don't make that face. I might lose control. "

You both giggled, and you continue to study when you could feel a hot breath on your ears.

" Saranghae, ( Y/N ) "

A/N: First part done :I

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