Meet The Family

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Yn Pov

I Just woke up and I saw I had a message from Adam I really don't want to talk to him after he ditched me on my birthday I feel like he did me wrong Luckily I met jack Ohhh How much I love him but of course he will never fall for me he doesn't want nothing to do with me.

Yn- *reads messages* (Hey babe good morning where are you?)

Y(I am at home why?)

A( I wanted to spend some time with you)

Y(Why try to spend time with me now when you had the chance yesterday)

A( Look Babe I Didn't mean it like that)

Y(Oh really I got all prettied up and went to the fanciest restaurant there is and then last minute you cancel on me who do you thing You are ?!) *

I got so heated I decided to call Adam friend Will and see what time he got home yesterday

Y( Hello? will)

W( Hey Yn Happy Belated Birthday)

Y( Thank you When you guys went to the bar what time did Adam get home)

W( Who Went to the bar)

Y( Adam Said you took him to the new bar down the street)

W( No That Bar doesn't open till next month)

Y( Oh Really)


Y( Well Ok thanks)

W( No problem)

So If Adam Didn't go out last night Where was he?



Mia- THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID *and she laughs*

Yn- *laughing* I'm coming down N a minute

Mia- Okay

Yn *Face times adam* Hey Adam Do you see my Make up bag in the bathr- * when I look up I see Another girl on his screen* Who Are you?

???- I should be asking you the same question

Yn- Im Adam gir-

???-Sister he told me so much about you I'm Adams girlfriend

Yn-Oh Tell him I called

???- Ok By the way the names Aliciann (A- lee-see-ann)

Yn- Nice talking to you Aliciann

Aliciann- You too *hangs up*

At this moment My heart was crushed he was cheating all along I didn't go downstairs which had Mia worried so she did the Jse House keeping Voice from "Breach and clean"

Mia- House keeeepppiiingggg

Yn- ....

Mia- I come in anyway

Yn- *cries in pillow*

Mia- Whats wrong babes

Yn- *muffled gibberish*

Mia- me speaka English

Yn-*Face read and covered with tears* ADAM CHEATED ON ME WITH SOME GIRL

Mia- *gasp* Are you ok *On verge of tears*

Yn- No I just want to be left alone with Youtube and Ice cream

Mia- Bruh, Just kick me out

Yn- *laughs a little*

I'll be on top of you in the morning...(Jacksepticeye love story|||| ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now