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I woke up to Phil filming himself walking into my room. The covers rubbed against my bare chest as I woke and sat up and talk to my friend.

"I'm live." He said.

I covered myself and told Phil I'll be out and dressed in a few minutes, so he left.

What to wear... What to wear.. Are we going anywhere? Yes we are. We have to go into town.

I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark grey shirt, then straightened my hobbit hair.


"Okay, now he's here." Phil said. I sat by him and joined his livestream of YouNow. Phil acted really abnormal during the stream.... He kept poking me in the cheek, patting my thigh and he called me precious, at least four times. After he went offline, he went into his bedroom.

I could hear him mumbling to himself.

"Why did you do that? You're pathetic! Ugh..." He said. "He's probably freaked out now."

Do I knock? Do I act like I didn't hear anything?

I continued to listen.

"I need to tell him..." He said. "I need to.."

I heard him walking to the door, so I ran into the lounge where we were previously. "Ow! Fuck." I yelled.

"You okay?" He came out of his room and asked.

"Yeah." I said. "Stubbed my toe."


He was acting abnormal... More than usual.

Did he hear me run? Does he know I heard him?

"So do you want to head out now? I rang Chris and Pj. They're going to meet us there." Phil interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh. Okay. Yeah, we should go." I said, grabbing my phone, house keys and wallet.

We left the apartment and took the tube into town and met with Pj and Chris at the restaurant. We got a table and ordered our food.


"So.." Pj said, acting nervous. "I have something to say."

I looked at Phil, who had a smile on his face, then back at Pj and Chris. Chris expressed utter excitement.

"I'm... Wow this is hard to say.." Pj hesitated. "Why is this hard to say?"

"It's okay, Pj." Chris looked at him with optimistic eyes, showing his passionate heart. "Do you want me to say it?" His smile grew.

"No... I can say it. You.. You guys are my friends." Pj smiled. "I'm gay."

"That's great!" Phil giggled. "I'm proud of you. That's something really big to come out and say."

"I'm proud of you." Chris laid his head on Pj's shoulder. "Do we say the next part?" He giggled.

"Yeah.." Pj paused, blushing. "We're dating."

"Yay!" Chris threw his arms in the air and cheered. "Damn, I've been waiting so long for this moment and now you're out of the closet and I can finally say it. SEXY PJ!" He laughed.

I laughed with them, as Phil was looking at me. His baby blue eyes glimmered as he watched my mouth curl into a smile and my face scrunched up as I laughed.

After lunch, we went to the cinema to watch The Fault in Our Stars as it had just come to Europe. During the film, Pj wrapped his arm around Chris, Chris nuzzling his head into Pj's neck. They were madly in love. I glanced at Phil. He had a soft smile, his heart and soul wrapped up in the movie, and he sat as close to me as possible.

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