Chapter 7 -- When It All Comes Crashing Down

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Chapter 7 -- When It All Comes Crashing Down

Niall watched Louis continue to cry into his little brother’s hair even after the rest of them had pulled away, and he felt a strange warmth pool in his stomach. It intensified when he felt the weight of Zayn’s arm draped over his shoulder, and the boy couldn’t help but grin widely. He felt at home with the three of them, like nothing could hurt him and the world actually wasn’t full of red and monsters.

“Okay.” Louis was straightening up, frantically wiping his eyes dry and smiling weakly at Harry. “Now that I’m done making a fool of myself,” he laughed. “Haz, Angel, would you like to accompany Zayn, Liam, and me on a daytime trip around London?”

Niall felt his eyes blow huge, mirroring Harry’s, and he stiffened under Zayn’s embrace. “Would we like to what?” he managed.

Zayn chuckled and ran a hand through Niall’s hair. “We’ve decided to take you guys on a date,” he explained. 

Harry still looked surprised, but he started jumping up and down in excitement, as well. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, please, please, when are we leaving, when are we leaving?”

“Calm down, Harry,” Louis laughed. “You two need to put some clothes on-” Niall shifted, a tad self-conscious in his pyjama pants and old t-shirt. “- and then we can leave. Sound good?”

“Yeah, let’s go!” Harry instantly darted around his room, digging through drawers and tossing random articles of clothing over his shoulder as he went. 

Louis rolled his eyes fondly. “Zayn, stay here and make sure he doesn’t break something,” he sighed. “Angel, you wanna come with me, you can get some real clothes on?”

Niall ducked out from under Zayn’s arm, allowing the other boy to go and calm Harry’s animated movements. Louis’s arms were open, inviting and waiting for him to step within the warm embrace. Niall did, his eyes closing happily when Louis’s arms came to rest over his shoulders, and his lips pressed a soft kiss to his hair. “C’mon,” the older boy hummed.

They left the room, hands interlaced together and shoulders touching the whole way to Niall’s room. When they were about halfway there, Niall felt his lips part, and before he could stop himself, words were being pushed past them.

“Lou,” he said carefully. “Why hasn’t Harry spoken in so long?”

Louis’s steps faltered, and his grip on Niall’s fingers tightened. “Niall,” he replied softly. The younger boy winced at the vulnerability in his voice. “Harry and I, we didn’t have the best childhood.”

Niall didn’t need much more explanation.

In his room, Louis watched as he picked out a pair of jeans he had never worn, and a soft green sweater that had seen better days. Louis watched as the blond blushed madly and changed from his loose flannel pants and worn shirt, as he put the sweater on backwards and avoided his gaze.

“You’re so adorable,” Louis giggled. He rose from Niall’s bed and crossed the room to help him untangle the sweater from his elbows, and gently tugged it down his torso. “My little cutie Angel.”

Niall ducked his head, still blushing, and fiddled with the hem of the sweater. “What do you think?” he asked shyly, peeking up from under his blond fringe. 

Louis smiled at him and kissed his cheek. “I think I have the sweetest boyfriend in the whole of London,” he praised. Niall laughed, and tucked his head in the crook of Louis’s neck. “Let’s go meet the others in the lobby,” the taller boy suggested. Niall nodded, and after he had tugged on his shoes, they left the room.

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