3. Warning

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Hey, guys! Sorry, I keep breaking my promises to upload quicker, I'm just one big liar! But anyway here is the next part! I hope you enjoy! This time, I'll not be a lazy piece of crap and I'll try upload quicker //shot

But I hope you enjoy, please tell me of any mistakes!


Class went past pretty quickly, and honestly (F/N) wished that it would last longer. She didn't have the heart to say to Antonio and his friends that she couldn't eat lunch with them. But those girls had her journal! They held all her secrets and could tell them just through a single class assessment announcement. They held her secrets and she knew she'd rather give up one lunchtime than be the public embarrassment of the school. Antonio would hate her forever; why would he like a loser like her. She'd never be able to talk to him again.

Her time in class was spent wallowing in pity. She wished Antonio had never asked a both lunch in the first place. But the lunch bell rang, (F/N) let out a sigh as the class dispersed into the corridors. Maybe she could just sneak to the library instead? Either way, she'd be standing Antonio up. It'd be better to tell him straight out then betray his trust and not even tell him she wasn't going to be there. But still, she didn't want to talk to him right now...

But luckily she didn't have to make that decision. She was at her locker, packing things into her bag, Antonio happily came walking up to her. He had the worst timing sometimes.

"Hey (F/N)! You want to walk to the lunch hall together?" He asked. The girl jumped slightly, but she wouldn't even look him in the eyes for, to him, reasons unknown. She closed her locker and dipped her head.

"I'm sorry, I can't eat lunch with you.." She trailed off. Antonio raised an eyebrow. Why was she acting so weird all of a sudden? She'd always been different from everyone else, but she'd always acted cheerful around him no matter what had happened.

"Why? Did something come up?" He asked cluelessly. The girl was speechless, she couldn't think of any excuse, so instead she just nodded her head.

"Y-Yeah.." Antonio noticed tears in her eyes, but before he could ask, she ran away muttering "I'm sorry.." Turning down his offer broke her heart. Antonio was left confused. (F/N) didn't want to eat any of her lunch, she just wanted to go to the library to be alone. She went up the stairs and through the door. She ended up spending her whole lunch time in there without lunch. Maybe if she told a teacher she'd be able to get her journal back? Then she'd be called a snitch for the rest of her school life and possibly something worse than this would happen.

Meanwhile, Antonio walked to the lunch hall where he'd meet his friends, without (F/N). He spotted them on the centre table and quickly jogged over. They both looked confused, which was no surprise, only one person had shown up when there WA meant to be two. Both of them enjoyed (F/N)'s company as much as Antonio, especially when they could tease and embarrass their best friend, but looks like that couldn't be done now.

"Hey, Toni, where's (F/N)? I thought you went to go get her?" Francis immediately questioned his friend as he sat down at the table.

"Yeah, couldn't the Frau make it?" Gilbert asked. Antonio shook his head, a worried expression still on his face.

"No, she said she had to do something, but she sounded like she was about to cry.." He said, his lips curving into a frown. Both his friends looked at him.

"Why? Did something happen?" Francis asked curiously. Antonio shook his head again.

"If someone's bothering her, the awesome me can deal with them!" Gilbert shouted, grinning widely. Then that was where the conversation went off track. Francis and Gilbert started chatting about different assortments of things, whether it was how awesome Gilbert was, to who Francis should flirt with next. All the while Antonio was too busy being lost in his own thoughts, rather than chatting.

He had a sneaking suspicion about why (F/N) was acting the way she was. It was the girls that constantly hung around her. At first, he thought that they were just friends, but then he saw them start to pick on her. Call her names. Slam her into lockers. All the while, he'd stood by, he'd hung back round the corner of the corridor, just watching. Was it his reputation? Was he afraid he'd ruin it? Either way, he knew it was wrong not to help, yet still, it carried on. He didn't do anything to help her. And once again he didn't press (F/N) to tell him what was wrong. He didn't even think about confronting the two girls. His thoughts were interrupted by the loud sound of the end of lunch bell.

Meanwhile (F/N) was making her way out the library doors, she just wanted to go home and cry. Her stress level was high, there was no way she could concentrate in class now. She hugged her school books close to her chest as she walked down the stairs to her classroom. But as she rounded the corner, the two girls with her journal were stood in front of her.

Were they going to beat her up? She started to panic. She hugged her books even closer to her chest, clinging onto them as if they were her lifeline. The girls simply glared at her. Their gazes were icy, as if (F/N) had done something she hadn't, but had no clue what. Though, it was exactly like that.

"We warned you." One of them simply said, before they both walked away, leaving (F/N) as confused as ever. Where was the name calling? Where was the slamming against lockers? Just 'We warned you?' Sweat dripped down her brow and her heart rate increased. This scared her more than anything they'd ever done. Had she failed to ignore Antonio? Did they mean to not talk to him at all? They'd seen her talk to him briefly when he offered to walk her to lunch. This was bad.. The next class she had was with them. The class were they had to turn in their assignment.

She took a deep breath and made her way there, eventually getting there and sitting down in her seat. She could feel the eyes of the girls on her, she could hear them laughing and she could tell that they were smirking at her. Antonio walked in the classroom as well. He sat down in his seat without a word to (F/N), which was actually a good thing since the two girls were watching her like hawks. Antonio gave (F/N) a couple of worried glances, but that was all. The teacher walked in, placing books at her desk. She greeted the class.

"Alright class, quiet down!" She yelled, managing to hush the students and grab their attention. "Today we're presenting our class projects!" A loud groan from the class. "Quiet! Now Any volunteers to go first?" The class went silent, only for the silence to be broken by an all to familiar voice. It was one of the girls that bullied (F/N).

"I'll go miss!" She said with a smirk. "I made it with my friend we were going to present it together in class!" The teacher smiled.

"Good, come up to the front and present your project then." She said, stepping off to the side to make room for the two girls. (F/N) eyed them nervously. They stood at the teacher's podium, placing down a journal upon it.

(F/N)'s journal.


Just a question, which story do you want me to upload a part of next? The one with the most comments wins! You'll be able to see which stories I'm publishing at the minute by looking in my gallery if you didn't know. Thank you for reading

I swear something will happen soon

Thank you for reading! Bye!

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