2. Blackmail

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Hey again! Here's another update, I'll try to update again tomorrow but I have to make some changes to some chapters of this book since I had a change in plot. Sorry Reader-Chan it gets worse for you! But I hope you enjoy this part! Feedback is appreciated!


(F/N) sat in class, nervously biting the end of her pencil and tapping her foot on the tiled floor. Her journal was gone. She wrote everything in there! She'd spent the whole morning looking for it, and she couldn't find it in any of the possible places it could be. That only left one more possibility: someone had taken it. She'd checked lost and found, it wasn't there and no one had handed it in, which could only mean someone with bad intentions had taken it. They had no intention of giving it back. They'd know it was (F/N)'s since she'd written her name in it; she now wished she'd done over wise and left her whole journal anonymous. The whole school was against her, it was just a perfect opportunity to bully her with! And (F/N) knew the bullies would take that opportunity. They always did, and they'd maker her life miserable; they'd make her life more miserable more like.

She sighed and tried to calm down, she placed her pencil down and tried to keep her foot still. She didn't notice Antonio walk up beside her. She'd been like this all morning, so on edge but so out of focus.

"(F/N)?" He said. No response. His friends who were stood behind him walked over to see what was going on.

"What's wrong with her?" Gilbert said, looking over at the poor girl, then to his friend, who shrugged his shoulders. Antonio lightly poked her on the shoulder; the girl jumped slightly but looked over at the three.

"O-Oh hey guys, did you need something?" She stuttered nervously, receiving a puzzled glance from all three men.

"Is something wrong ma cherie? You seem a little nervous." Francis asked. Sure she was always timid and shy, but she never was this nervous.

"I-I'm fine! Just got a lot on my mind.. But it's nothing important, don't worry!" She said unconvincingly. It was obvious enough to the three of them that she didn't want to talk about it, so they decided to leave it alone. Antonio gave her a bright smile.

"Well okay.. Do you want to eat with us at lunch then?" He said, making the girl smile brightly along with him, Antonio felt his cheeks heat up slightly. She nodded her head.

"Yeah! Sure, that'd be nice." It was like the nervousness she'd just felt was gone in an instant as soon as Antonio had suggested that. Her bullies wouldn't bully her when she ate lunch with the BTT. Every request to sit with them was the saviour of her day.

"So, we'll meet you in the lunch hall?" Gilbert said, to which (F/N) nodded in return. The trio left the classroom, and (F/N) was left to ponder her thoughts again. She smiled to herself. She loved eating lunch with those three, they always made her smile, especially Antonio. But her happiness was instantly replaced with despair as she saw the same two girls from yesterday. They strutted up to her, one of them smirking. This wasn't good, though then again, it never was.

"Hey (F/N), you were talking to Antonio again weren't you?" She sneered. "I saw you, I heard what he said too." The other one decided to speak as well.

"You're not having lunch with him." She added on. Normally (F/N) would ignore them, and she'd have lunch with him. It's not like they'd do anything else but spread rumours and slam her into lockers. Even if she didn't eat lunch with him, they'd do the same, so it didn't matter really. But then the girl opened up her bag and pulled out a journal.

(F/N)'s journal.

She instantly felt sick. Her eyes widened and she tried to grab it out the girls hands, but the girl teasingly pulled it out of her reach. (F/N) stood up to try to grab it, her chair scraping along the floor harshly. The class went quiet and all turned to look over and (F/N) felt her face go red in embarrassment; thankfully the BTT wasn't there. (F/N) wanted everything but making a scene in front of the class. The two girls giggled as (F/N) meekly sat back down and dipped her head.

"You're not having this back until you prove that you can stay away from Antonio, ignore him from now on, got it?" She said, (F/N) wanted to start crying and shouting. She didn't want to stay away from Antonio or his friends either, but the secrets that were in that book were personal. But then the consequences grew worse. 

"If you don't obey, then we'll announce whatever's in this journal as our class project." She other girl added on, curling her hair around her fingers. (F/N) felt sick. She could handle the bullying, but this was just ridiculous. All her secrets.. She'd become the laughing stock of the school! She had no choice.

"F-Fine, I'll do it.." She muttered under her breath. The two girls smirked at each other and the one holding the journal stuffed it back into her bag.

"Good." Was the last thing they sneered before walking away. (F/N) was left alone again..

What had she done..?


Thank you for reading! The next book I'll post will be Norway X Abused! Reader if everyone is okay with that!

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