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"Tris?" I whisper not knowing if he was awake.
"Yeah babe?" He asks rolling over.
"Promise me something." I tell the love of my life.
"Anything James." He says kissing my nose.
"Promise me you won't leave." I nearly beg looking up into his beautiful eyes.
"I would never leave you." He promises kissing me softly. I smile kissing him back.
My phones shrill ring pulls me out of my thoughts. Then the wailing cry of my six month old son starts before I can answer the phone. I put it to my ear quickly heading into the nursery.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Hey James. You're still coming right?" I hear my best friend Brad's voice through the receiver.
"Of course. TJ's screaming now thanks to you though." I inform him.
"Oops sorry." He says knowing my son's sensitive ears. "Tell him he's going to see Sam. He'll cheer up quick." Brad says with a chuckle referring to his own daughter.
"I know." I tell him adjusting the phone so I can pick up TJ. "We'll be over in a bit you can tell Con." I say knowing the other boy would worry too.
"Okay bye." Brad says hanging up. Brad and Conner will be celebrating their second wedding anniversary this spring with their daughter Samantha, who's mere weeks older than TJ.
Although I'm happy for them I'm also sad at the same time. I expected to be getting married to Tristan any time now but that's not going to happen now. Just months after promising never to leave me he did just that. He left in November which put quite a damper on Christmas. Then both Con and I found out we were pregnant. Quite a surprise considering we're both male. It was sad but I promised myself I would straighten my life out for this baby and I have. With Brad and Connor's help I got back on my feet and we've been great since.
Right now, as Brad made sure of, we are on our way to the Simpson's house for Christmas.
TJ starts crying again not happy from being woke from his nap.
"Hey Hey baby. Don't cry. We're going to Sammy's. You want to see Sammy don't you." I ask softly. He starts gurgling but I guess that's better than crying.
After putting on his little coat and mine I grab his bag and carry him out to the car. I strap him in his car seat making sure all the straps are secure before getting in the front seat.
As we drive I listen to him coo over the falling snow. It isn't far to get there so within minutes I'm pulling into the driveway.
Brad greets us at the door letting us in.
"Con. Sam. Look who's here." Brad calls into the other room. Connor walks out of the living room carrying Sam. The instant the two little ones spot each other their reaching towards each other. I walk over to Connor quickly, careful not to let TJ fall out of my arms. Once their in reach the two children interlock hands pulling the other closer.
We walk into the living room and set the kids on the floor safely before the the of us adults sit in the chairs to talk.
"How have you been?" Connor asks even though he saw me less then a week ago.
"Its been hard but I'm getting through it. For him." I answer honestly nodding at my son. "I don't know how I'll deal when he's old enough to start asking about he's other parent though."
"Well that's still a ways away." Brad say. "He looks a lot like you though." He's right too. With his blonde hair and green-blue eyes TJ is almost the spitting image of me.
"Have you have either of you heard from him?" I ask. They know I'm referring to Tris.
"No I'm sorry James." Con says shaking his head. Nobody's heard from him in over a year not even his parents.

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