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"Is this Mr Simpson?" Is the first thing I hear after answering the home phone.
"This is their phone but I'm James McVey." I tell him.
"James? Okay that's even better. My name is Agent Adam McGee. I need you and the Simpsons to come to the London ER." He tells me.
"Why what's going on?" I ask sacred.
"We have your kids." He tells me.
"What." I say shocked. "You found them! Are they alright?"
"I have good and bad news but I'd rather tell you in person if that's alright." He tells me.
"We'll be there in ten." I tell him before hanging up.
"Brad! Connor!" I call running upstairs. They haven't left Sam's room all day except to feed Will and Brad and I forced Connor to eat a little. "They found them." I say in the door way.
"What!" Brad asks. Connor looks at me intently.
"We just got a call from an Agent McGee and he said to meet him at the London ER." I tell them.
"Lets go then." Connor says picking up Will from the bed where he'd been napping.
We arrive at the hospital in less then ten minutes.
"James?" A voice asks as we step into the waiting room. I turn to see and average size man with grey eyes and bright red hair. I recognise him as the man I spoke to on the phone.
"Agent McGee?" I say.
"Please call me Adam." He tells me.
"What about our kids? Are they alright?" Brad asks insistently.
"Physically your kids are fine." Adam tells him.
"Physically? What about the rest of them?" Connor asks shaking. Brad takes Will out of his hands and puts the small boy on his own hip before wrapping his free arm around Connor once more.
"They've suffered some trauma not bad but some. It should mostly show in nightmares, maybe the occasional flash back." He explains.
"Where are they?" I ask. "We need to see them." He nods.
"Follow me." He says walking through the double doors. We all follow quickly.
"There is something else I need to tell you." Adam says hesitantly.
"What is it?" I ask fearing the worst.
"Its about Tris." He says.
"You know Tris?" I ask him.
"I do. I know everything." He tells me.
"You're the agent he was talking about. The one who took pity on him." I say the realisation hitting me. "How did you get on the kids case?"
"Tris asked for my help and I agreed. I have three of my own. I couldn't just sit there and watch my kids open their presents knowing two other kids were in that creeps possession." He tells me. "Tristan told me he would do anything if I could return them to you. He told me he would rather be the one who died and got them back then be the one who failed."
"Is that you're way of telling me he's dead?" I ask softly.
"No. That's my way of telling you he's in very bad shape." He tells me. "He received three bullets in his back and one grazed his head protecting those two." He stops in front of a large window. I look through it and see Tris lying on the hospital bed and TJ and Sam sitting in chairs next to him. I also see a woman with three young children in the room.
"That's my wife and our children. When she heard what happened she came to sit with the kids until you three could get here." Adam says opening a door next to the window.
"Sam!" Connor gasps out the moment he steps in the room.
"Daddy! Papa! Will!" She cries running to them. TJ looks up at me for a moment before fixing his eyes back on Tris.
"He's been like that since I got here." Adam's wife tells me softly.
"Thank you for watching them." I tell her.
"I would like to believe someone would do the same for mine." She says. "My name's Monica by the way."
"James." I tell her. "And this is Brad, Connor, and Will."
"These are Tanner, Emily and Yves." She says introducing her kids. "Tanner's deaf so he doesn't understand most of our conversation. Emily have a heart condition and Yves has a spinal disease that leaves her paralysed. We adopted every one of them." She tells me. "Everyone has their struggles every one has their differences even children." With one hand she takes Tanner's hand with the other she grabs Yves carrier. Tanner takes Emily's hand and they walk out the door.
"Monica is what some people would call psychic and most of the time you don't know what she means until it smacks you in the face." Adam says with a chuckle.
I walk over to TJ chair and stand behind him.
"TJ? Are you okay?" I ask him softly.
"When's Papa gonna wake up?" He asks without looking up at me.
"I don't know sweetie." I tell him. He doesn't respond. I look over him at Tris. He looks really bad. I glance at the Simpsons who are still holding Sam close, then at Adam who's watching me. I nod at the door. He understands and heads outside the room.
"Watch TJ a minute for me?" I ask Brad as I head towards the door.
"Course." He tells me looking over at my son. Adam's waiting for me when I step out the door.
"Tell me what happened." I say and he does. As he speaks he watches my reaction.
"He didn't follow the plan though. He was supposed to get out of there with the kids before we started firing. He never would have made it though. He saw that I saw that. He used himself as a barrier to protect them." He explains to me.
"How bad are his injuries?" I question. He takes a deep breath before responding.
"The one that grazed his head didn't do any damage. One in his back missed everything. One hit his liver but that will heal eventually. The third one is what worries us. It grazed his spinal column." He tells me.
"Meaning?" I ask hoping he won't say what I'm thinking. He does though.
"Meaning when, if, he wakes up he might be paralyzed."
Picked up my phone this evening and found everything on it had been deleted. My music gone, my photos gone, everything gone. So that's my night how's yours?

A Heart To Have A Heart To Break (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now