Chapter 13

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28th March 2012

I was extremely upset on the way back. I didn't want to leave those amazing people. Yes I did plan to visit them every once in a while but I knew it wouldn't be the same as living with them.

"We're here." Sally chirped. Sally opened the door and got out but I didn't move. She started to make her way to our front door but upon realising I wasn't behind her, she returned to the car.

Now that we were here, I was feeling terribly anxious. What my father had done hadn't scared me or made me afraid of him at all. It was just the fact that I didn't know how'd they react to seeing me for the first time in two months. Rianne and I left on kind of a bad note with the whole Kieran situation and all and I definitely was not on good terms with my dad. I hardly talked to my mum and I know she'd want to start talking to me and be friendly to me after what had happened.

"What are you doing? You're home now."

"Just, give me a minute. Please." I clutched the teddy bear Isaiah had given me to my chest. She sighed, closed the door and apologised to the driver.

"Look, Riah. I know you might be feeling a little bit afraid of your father because of what he's done but trust me, he is an amazing guy and he loves you and your sister to death. There's no need to be afraid of him."

"I'm not scared of him."

"Then what is it?"

"It's not the same. Nothing's going to be as it was before all of this happened."

"Sure it will."

"No. It won't." I shook my head.

"I know my mum feels sorry for me and her and my dad are going to try and make it up to me. They're going to be overly nice all the time and give me tons of attention that they never did before. The atmosphere of the house is going to change because this situation is going to hang over us like a dark cloud."

"This is your home, Riah. They all love you and care about you and want what's best for you. They just want to make things right with you. They're your family after all." After talking with Sally for a while, I got out of the car.

I followed her up the stairs to the front door. We waited for a few seconds after she rung the door bell.

"One second!" I could hear my mum yell. She was probably in the kitchen. She opened the door and her face lit up when she saw me behind Sally.

"Ray!" She exclaimed.

"Oh, my baby! Come in. Come in." She ushered us inside the house.

Man it'd been a while. I set my bags on the floor.

"Riah." She sighed. She hugged me tightly but let go once she realised I wasn't going to hug her back.

"I've missed you. Well we've all missed you, to be honest. I didn't think you would be back this early."

"Yeah." Was all I said. I felt awkward talking to her and being around her. She was doing exactly what I had been dreading. She was talking to me too much and being overly nice to make up for what had happened.

"Do you want to take your stuff up while me and your mum have a word?" Sally smiled. I nodded and put my food in the kitchen then began walking up the stairs.

Tina was coming out of the bathroom when she saw me.

"RIAH!" She screamed, running to me and jumping on me.

"Oh my god, I missed you so bloody much, don't ever leave us again." She commanded. I laughed and hugged her back.

"I missed you too, T."

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