His Mother & Her Mother

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'Can you spare a little time for me? We need to talk. I beg, Jave' Jaehee sighs as she puts down her phone without texting Sehun back. Sometimes she really wants to talk with him, asking why he cheated. But whenever she wants to give him a second chance, Luhan's face always comes to her mind, stoping her from it because she feels like cheating.

"Why frowning?"

It's Luhan's voice, immediately she turns to see him topless, just getting out from his shower. A sigh leaves her lips and she frowns deeper because of how her body reacts for his abs. She distracts herself by putting a light make up on her face, ignoring him.

"We'll visit your mother tomorrow, right?" He asks. Jaehee stops and looks at his reflection from the mirror, fortunately he already has his shirt and pants on.

"Yeah, why?" She asks back, slightly feeling uneasy. She scares he will cancel it due to his busy schedule.

"I get it----" He pauses and hands her a tie, asking her to knot his tie. She takes it and stands infront of him, starting to tie it for him. Towering over her tiny figure, he smiles and stares at her. He doesn't know why but he starts liking this view: she diligently makes his tie, it feels intimate.

"----I'm taking a day off tomorrow" He continues and she looks up at him.

"Aren't you busy? We can go after your work" Jaehee talks softly as she stares deep into his eyes, trying to find if he was kidding, but there is no sign of a joke.

"No, I want to spend a whole day with you"

Both stare into each other, feeling surprised. For Luhan, he immediately curses inside his heart. Why did I say something like that? It was so cheesy. He even gets goosebump because of his own words. In the other hand, Jaehee starts smiling at him, her heart feels so warm when those words slip from his lips.

"I mean, on the bed" He acts cocky, smirking at her.

For hundreds time, he turns down the lovely mood by his idiot comments. The guilt comes to Luhan when he sees her upset face. Jaehee slowly frowns as she stares at him, hoping he will say he's just kidding, but nothing. She parts her lips, ready to protest when suddenly the bell rings, telling them about the guest.

"I'll get it"

Jaehee leaves him to the front door. She has a bad feeling about this guest and when she opens the door, she sighs before faking a smile. It's his mother, bringing the traditional herb with her. Today is unavoidable.

After she lets his mother in, she runs to the bedroom and tells Luhan the situation. He looks panic with that cute little pout on his face, making Jaehee chuckle softly. Then her chuckle turns into the same pout with his when all he worries is about sex. It's annoying.

"Oh, kids, come sit, I already poured it for both of you"

Luhan's mother talks when they join her in the living room. Luhan frowns at his mother, protesting without saying a thing. He looks at the dark liquid and closes his eyes as he takes it in one shot. He cringes his face as the bitterness meets his tongue. I hate this so much, the taste and the effect.

"Good boy" His mother smirks, then turns to Jaehee, giving her a look. Jaehee has no choice and drinks it even she really wants to throw it out.

"I know you two had been avoiding me and this super traditional herb, but I caught you today" His mother chuckles and moves to Jaehee's side.

"Come faster, little Luhan or little Jaehee" His mother talks as she pats Jaehee's tummy. This just gives a chill to Luhan and Jaehee. The fear on their face brings laughter to his mother, she finds it funny.

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