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Jaehee stares blankly at spaces as she waits for the test result. Slowly she feels breathless, the air starts suffocating her. What will happen now? I'm so nervous. She bites her lips, then frowns to herself. The result should be out now but she feels scared to find out.


It's Luhan's voice, he sounds so gentle. His respond somehow makes her calm. She collects her bravery and looks up on the pregnancy test. Two red lines visible, it instantly sends frustration. Softly she sighs, feeling anxious about the future. To be honest, she is okay having a child with him, but she keeps denying it because of one thing. She fears that Luhan won't give the child love. She doesn't want her child grow without father's love.

"Are you okay? Can I come?"

Luhan asks but doesn't wait for her answer. He immediately barges in and approaches her. He gently takes the pregnancy test from her hand and bulges his eyes when he finds out. He almost grumbles at her, but he gets his sense and holds himself.

"How can this happen?" Luhan asks softly, trying to control his voice.

"You ask me?!" Jaehee instantly raises her tone, but she never means it. Damn, the mood swing, it's already starting.

"Can you lower your voice, my mother is outside" Luhan talks between his gritted teeth.

"Luhan, this is all your fault" Jaehee whispers.

"What? My fault? How?" Luhan argues.

"You never used condom, you carelessly fucked me" Jaehee makes a duck face. Luhan stares at her, he awares that she is right, but he doesn't want to admit it.

"I know, but you should've take the contraceptive pill, if you did this won't happen" Luhan speaks his contra.

"What? You blame me?!---" She takes a deep breath and pulls his hair hard, ignoring his scream. She is so mad right now "---you want me to take that pill everyday?! If I did I already die from overdose!" She grabs his hair firmer, planning to give him no mercy.

"Aaah, it hurts, please---" Luhan tries to fight back but he already loses the position "---I get it, it's ALL my fault" He emphasizes it, hoping she will release him because in any second she will pull out all of his hair. It of course works, she lets him go and crosses her hand infront of her chest.

"Kids?" His mother is outside and she waits for them, full of excitement.

"I think we need to tell her the truth, no other way out" Luhan sighs. There is a slight dejection on his tone and his face.

"Of course! This happened because you spreaded lie to people's face at your inauguration party"

Jaehee snaps and snatches the pregnancy test from him, immediately going to his mother. Luhan just stares like an idiot, he just realizes, start from today Jaehee will turn into the scarier woman because of her damn mood swing. He claps his hands and laughs like a lunatic, then talks to himself.

"Welcome hell, Luhan"


Jaehee puts an uninterested face because his mother shows how excited she is, telling this and that. His mother even forces her to hold a party for this unborn baby. Jaehee really doesn't want to act all rude but she can't help it. The mood swing goes strong and everything just pisses her off.

"Mother, I think Jaehee is tired, can we let her rest?" Luhan jumps to the situation and neutralizes the tension.

"Oh, right, you need to rest, it's for the baby's health too" His mother smiles.

Jaehee just nods and fakes a smile. She excuses herself and leaves in flash. Inside the bedroom, she throws her body to the bed, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. It's tough. She starts thinking about her mother, how easy her life would if her mother was on her side. She completely into her thought and it makes her cry loudly.

"God, I don't want to cry, but why am I crying right now?" Jaehee sulks between her tears. She absolutely looks insane.

In short time, she stops crying like nothing happened. She then reaches out her hand, taking her phone. She dials his father's number and hears his voice right after the first ring.

"Jaehee-ya, something is up?" Her father asks.

"I'm pregnant" Jaehee tells him, but this unexpectedly makes her emotion up, she is ready to cry again.

"What? Really? Congratulation, my daughter" Her father raises his tone, sounding so happy.

"You will do great, don't worry much about this, you will make a great parents together with Luhan---" Her father's words really comfort her. It motivates her and builds up her confidence "---your mother will be proud of you" He continues. Hearing this beautiful support from her father, her tears fall but her lips form a smile. She feels grateful to have a father like him. Maybe this is what people called happy tears.

"Thank you, dad"

Jaehee smiles to herself. Now, she decides to keep the baby and give the love. She just remembers about her dream, her mother asked her to take care of the white rose. She is very sure, this baby is an angel, a gift from her mother. That's why she needs to protect it from any evil, at any price.


After his mother leaves, Luhan comes to the bedroom just to find Jaehee on the bed, reading magazine like a boss. He joins her on the bed, wanting to discuss about the baby and their life. He takes the magazine from her, instantly getting her attention

"Jaehee, we need to talk" Luhan speaks.

"What matters?" Jaehee asks.

"The baby" Luhan answers and she nods, asking him to go on.

"I accept your pregnancy and also the baby, I think it won't hurt me to be called hottest dad someday" Luhan confesses and doesn't know how, Jaehee feels her heart flutter despite of his narcissism. It's unexpected.

"But I think it will hurt you somehow---" Luhan suddenly frowns and it makes Jaehee's heart drop. What he means?

"---just imagine, you will turn as big as whale, bloated and ugly, won't it hurt your eyes everytime you look into your reflection?" Luhan talks dramatically, showing his perfect actiong. He holds into his own laughter because of the irritation on her face.

"You do want a slap, huh?" Jaehee asks fiercely, hand already up on the air, ready to launch it.

"Just kidding---" Luhan giggles and takes both of her hands, holding it tight. He stops giggling after a while and his expression changes into a serious but warm one "---although you transform into a whale or an elephant, I really don't give a fuck about it---" He continues, smiling sweetly at her "---you'll still be my definition of beauty" His statement really cheesy but it melts her heart right away, leaving her speechless.

"I will protect both of you"

Luhan is determined. He realizes everything, abortion is not the best answer for it. He remembers his mother's happy face, he has no heart to ruin it. Likewise, he doesn't want Jaehee to undergo physical and mental pain because of the abortion. He picks the harmless way, avoiding the abortion. He has this inside his mind: better to get sleepless nights and listen to the baby's annoying cry rather than to watch the women he cares break into pieces.

I promise.


I know the last chapter is a bit weird, but here the new one. Hope it entertains you. Please kindly vote and give feedback. Thank you so much, love ya :)

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