Chapter 4

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Mary's pov:

"Mary listen, I know I acted weird earlier and well it's because umm i think your stunning the way your hair falls is perfect and your smile could make a mans heart beat 1000 miles a minuet and theway you laugh just is the nicest thing ever , I think you sing like an angle and I want to take you out tonight,will you go to dinner with me?" Whoa did Louis really just say this to me? My mouth dropped and I finally replied after lie 3 minuets "absolutely yes!" I smiled then hugged him.

Louis wrote a note to the lads saying that we were going out to grab dinner themselves. The. He grabbed a set of keys and hi wallet and I got my puse. We went down t the lobby only to see 300 screaming girls and a bunch of paparazzi. Louis looked over at me ,"you ready?" He extended his hand for me to take it. I toke it and walked out with him careful to keep my head down. The apps took all kinds of pictures of us,and I almost wanted to look up and start posting but I didn't.

Once we reached the end of the girls a silver mustang pulled up and the driver exited and Louis held the door for me. He got in and flipped on the radio. "Wow a guy that do levers your cars,nice ." I joked and he laughed. We drove in silence for a while only his humming to the radio. The my favorite song came on and I couldn't help but squeal and turn up the radio. Louis looked over and smiled ,"you like this song?" I was faster to reply than I probably should have been, "YES! Maroon 5 is on,y the best band ever" I squealed. Louis looked at me smiling "well besides one direction," I added at last minuet. With that Louis turned up the radio and I just broke loose and sang "and I don't mind spending every day out on your corner in the pourin rain. Look for the girl with the broken smile and ask her if she wants to stay a while," I was pouring my heart and soul into this performance. Louis joined in "and she will be loved and she will be loved she will be loved oh she will be loved."

The song ended and the radio went to commercial. "Wow your absolutely amazing Mary why aren't you doing this for a living?" Louis asked. I blushed at that I had always loved Louis slightly more then te other guys but I never imagined we would be out on a date, this was all so surreal! "I-I'm just shy," I said blushing. "Well you should be a million air your amazing." He said and I blushed even more.

I got these feeling when Louis talked to me or touched me or just looked at me I fellas if my heart was pounding a million miles a second. Louis had this effect on me when we talked I felt as if there was no where else inthe world ,I'd rather be. I felt as if I could die right then and be completely happy. In no way did I ever feel like this before but I did now and it was amazing.

The rest of the car ride was short we arrived at a beach. "Here we are," Louis said. He took my hand and we walked out on a pier where there was a candle light pic I with rose pestles every where set up. "Oh Louis it's so beautiful!" I exclaimed. "Only the best for the best," he smiled a cheeky grin wow Louis was really warming up to me. We are in pretty deep conversation about what we wanted in life oddly enough we both wanted to have a steady job and have 3 kids two girls one boy but not have kids until at least 23 so we had time to live our lives. Louis and I were oddly similar and it was honestly beautiful.

After we ate Louis and I sat on the blanket over looking the ocean. I began to shiver and of course he noticed ," here love your cold have this," he wrapped his jacket around me. I smiled and I snuggled into him. "Mary," he spoke,"do you believe in love at first sight?" "Louis I've loved you since I saw your first X factor audition " I spoke blushing and snuggling into him. He couldn't help it my eyes met mine and we shared the most wonder ful first kiss ever he leaned in and touched my cheek with his thumb gently stroking it and kissed me softly. It was a moment to die for.

Louis snuggled into me and feel asleep. I feel asleep with him.

We awoke the next morning to Harry calling wondering where Louis was. I relized if I didn't leave I'd be late for calculus. We jumped In the car and rode to my dorm. Louis walked me in being the gentalman he is and we shared a few kisses and I told him I'd be over after class at 1


Sorry it's short:(

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