The Decision

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Dawn rose early that morning awaking the kingdom and those who are going to invade it soon. Lyra and Asena met halfway between their camps and went over their plan that Asena will not follow.

"Go to Torin and tell him that we are here to protect him and to defend his kingdom from Eira. Under no circumstances we will not lose against her. Then we will deal with Eira." Lyra spoke with authority. Asena nodded in agreement

"Then let us win." Asena spoke and they departed and got ready for battle.

After they got ready and did a quick review on how to use the weapons the Lightning Queen spoke up upon the crowd of many brave men, women and children.

"I am honored to have you fighting for the kingdom and your families today. I know how much bravery it took to stand before your families and walk into the war that was brought upon you today. I am very thankful to have all of you fighting for a cause." The crowd erupted in cheers until it died down quickly when Asena shushed them.

"I have an announcement to make." An anticipating silence fell on the crowd.

"Instead of protecting Torin's kingdom, we destroy it. And instead of helping Lyra defend Torin, we fight her as well, for they are the enemy." In the crowd a few gasps were heard and a few angry voices rose up but some of them rejoiced. The Queen of Fire continued.

"You may choose which side you're on. I am sorry we might be divided as a kingdom; united we stand, and divided we fall, but I do not wish that to happen. I only wish to put an end to this conflict and to have peace once again. Peace through strength is what will make the lands unite once more."

Some cheered while others disapproved; some also kept quiet deciding which side to choose.

"I will give you until before we reach Torin's kingdom, then if you choose to defend Torin you will go to Lyra and help her. You must understand that whoever decides to go to Lyra will have to kill their friends and families."

Most of the crowd started to mutter, but some of them walked away with their families and friends to decide whose side to fight on.

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