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"Everyone!" shouted a student " We have a new nurse! She's a hottie!"

All the boys stood up but Gray " What?! I've got to check her out!"

"Natsu?" I ask " Are you going to go too?"

He gave me a smile " Yes!"

I clench my fist. What happened to my girl ? " Hmph fine go"

"See ya!" and he left.

"Those stupid jerks!" shouted the girls.

"Wow you're just gonna let him go?" ask Levy.

"W-we're not even dating so I don't care" I said.

"Oh ho~ Really?"

"What the hell are you all doing?! Get back inside!" shouted Erza. All the boys came running back in crying. " Class already started and it's self study so hurry to it!"

"Yes ma'am"

"So how was she?" I ask Natsu.

" Cute and fluffy" said Natsu.

Fluffy? "Yeah yeah" I said and begin to read a book.

"I wonder where Leo sensei is" he mumble and begin to draw in his notebook.


"What? You're gonna join a club?" ask Natsu.

"Yeap. I'm planning to join the swimming club"

"Are you sure" said Natsu.

"Yeap. I've always love swimming too. Too much Uncle decided to build a pool outside and a pool inside for me aha..."

"Alright i'll wait for you afterschool"

"You don't have to" I told Natsu.

"But I want to walk home with you" said Natsu.


"I'm Aquarius and I'm the coach" said Aquarius.

" You're here too Lucy?" I ask.

"Welcome!" said Lucy.

"Stop interrupting me!" shouted Aquarius

"Sorry!" we apologize.

We begin our swimming lessons.

"Lucy do you need help?" I ask as I see her struggling.

" Yes please" said Lucy.

"Like this" I said and showed her.

" Thank you Juvia" she cry " I would ask the coach but she's scary. "

I laugh " Let's improve together"


"Natsu?" I said when I see him waiting a few feet away from the school pool. "Natsu!" I shouted.

He look at me and wave. I wave back.

" How lucky of you" said Lucy


after changing out of the swim wear I walk to where Natsu is. "You looked great" said Natsu and I blush "Pervert!"

"Well guess what! My allowance comes at the end of the month. So when I get that money let's go on a-"

"Juvia!!!" Interrupted a certain someone.


"I forgot to tell you this but at the end of the month we're having a competition with Raven Tail. They requested one just a week ago." Said Lucy "Coach Aquarius told me to tell you that she wants you to compete"

My Sunflower (Navia/JuTsu/NatsuxJuvia)Where stories live. Discover now