Chapter 4 - Mother Margo

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I found my room once again and slipped into my night gown. A single lit candle was my guide to Margo's room through the dark halls of the castle. When I reached Margo's room, I knocked softly as not to disturb the others in their rooms. It took only a moment for her to answer the door and invite me in to sit on her bed. While I got comfortable she got a brush and a hair ribbon from her dresser and proceeded to brush my hair. It didn't bother me because I was used to getting my hair brush by my sisters before bed.

What I wasn't used to was her brushing my hair so gently. "So... Who is he?" She asked continuing to brush my hair all while a slight grin found its way on to her face. "Oh I couldn't tell you, you would laugh at me." I said trying to hide my blushing cheeks. "You don't have to worry about that!" She said "I've seen plenty of odd relationships in my time." I thought it over for a moment then decided what I was going to do. "Promise you won't laugh?!" I asked. She simply smiled and crossed her heart awaiting me to reveal my secret. "Well he's not very far away from here." I said trying to stall my embarrassment. "Come on out with it." Margo said squirming with anticipation. "Okay! Okay! It's James!" I said blurting it out so I could get it over with quickly.

Margo let a big gasp and said "That's so sweet. I have something to tell you. The day he met you in the woods, he wouldn't stop talking about you. He kept saying how beautiful you are and how he wanted to take you as his bride some day. Earlier at dinner I heard him talking about you to Bruce. He said that he was afraid you were mad at him and that when he tried to talk to you he would trip over his own words." Margo got my hair brushed and began to braid it for me. I sat in silence thinking about what she told me. I think she she knew I needed to sort out the information on my own, she didn't push me to speak, nor did she ask me if I was okay. She finished braiding my hair in just a few minutes and I bid her good night as she did me and sent me back to my own room to get some sleep.

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