Chapter 2 - The Funeral

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Today was my last day with my family and friends. So I did my best to behave and do everything my parents asked me to without complaint or question. I finished all my chores on time, I even lead the prayers at supper time. I did my best to play with my siblings and refused to be mean to them when the pulled my hair or said mean things as well. I washed up before bed and took the wolves bane from my night stand slowly turning it over in my hand. I wasn't sure what this stuff would do to me nor was I sure if those vampires had lied to me. I am sure however that if i went back on my word and didnt become a vampire they would most likely attack my family, or worse. The whole town. At this thought, I quickly drank what was in the vial without hesitation. The taste was horrid, I can't imagine any one human or vampire wanting to drink it.

I swallowed bitterly and peered into the mirror on my vanity table. The bite wounds on my neck surprisingly had already healed and not a trace was left. Soon I began to feel the effects of the wolves bane. So I hurriedly laid down and closed my eyes in anticipation for the herbal effects.

As the night drew on, I lost feeling in my limbs which spread to my whole body. My breathing and heart rate gradually slowed to the point where even the most educated doctors would have declared me dead on the spot. This feeling was unlike anything I had ever felt. I could no longer move any part of my body, my eyes wouldn't even budge. It seemed that I had nothing else to do at this point so I decided to go ahead and sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

The next morning I awoke, well came into consciousness more or less, I couldn't open my eyes or even move. The wolves bane must still be in effect because the only thing I could do was listen to what was going on around me. I laid there for about five more minutes before my eldest sister came in the room and told me that it was time to get up and eat our breakfast. When I didn't stir like I usually do she came to my bed side and put a hand on my forehead.

Suddenly she let out a scream that sounded like a banshee being burned at the steak. My mother came rushing in asking my sister what was all the commotion was about. "Mother she... she's cold!" My sister squealed frantically. "Are you daft!? She's perfectly fine!" My mother said as she came to my bed side and placed a hand roughly on my forehead. "Matillda." She said "go fetch the doctor!" I heard her rush out of the room as my mother began to weep. About ten minutes later the doctor, my father and Matilda came rushing in the room. "What's this I hear about Raziel being dead?!" My father billowed as he entered the room. "That is my duty to say for sure and you to find out. So if you could please leave the room so I can concentrate on my work.", Demanded the doctor.

As if they were children obeying an adult they left the room without another word. The doctor began to do tests on what he thought was my lifeless corpse, for about twenty minutes the continued to do so. Finally I heard his footsteps leave the room, then mumbling. My mother suddenly burst into the room wailing with grief and woe.

In my mind I was telling her every thing that she had done that made her deserve this day. In the middle of me telling her off, she began to wrap me head to toe in linen sheets then she picked me up and handed my limp body to my father. He mumbled something in my ear which sounded like a plea for forgiveness. He then carried me off, I couldn't really tell where to but my best guess would have been the fundral home. The walk there seemed to take forever, I never realized how strong and stout my father was. I suppose being carried for that amount of time makes you realize things about the person carrying you.

I heard my mother tell them to put a dress on me that she was saving for my wedding day but now was just as good as any. In this time period people were married young. My wedding was going to be held a week from now. I was supposed to marry the carpenters' son who is not very appealing to my tastes.

After hours of being poked and prodded was finally ready to be laid out on display for the towns' folk to say their goodbyes. Many of them didn't even know me well enough to care but didn't want to shame my family by not showing their respects. The days in which I lived were odd ones. Full of respect and honor, things that had no meaning once you were dead.

The funeral proceeded smoothly, like all funerals do but, I must have fallen asleep during my fathers goodbye speech. I found myself awakening to the motions of my coffin being loaded onto the funeral carriage. This was it in just an hour or so I would be underground and waiting for James and his family to dig me back up in the safety of night fall.

I was bumped and banged around as they lowered my body into the hole that was dug earlier today and then all sound grew muffled as they threw the soil in over my coffin. After two hours they were finished and my panic began to set in for I could feel my lungs expand filling with air and my limbs tingling with life or undead life I should say.

I struggled not to breath as much for hours in hopes of conserving what little air I had. Soon I heard the gentle voice of James above me as he helped to lift the soil off of my coffin. They worked hurriedly for what seemed like days. Finally I heard the lid of the coffin lift off of me I still couldn't move for the wolves bane still had yet to wear off completely. I could however, feel my body being lifted out of the hole by many pairs of hands.

Then I heard the voice of a woman kind and gentle "Okay young lady time to wake up, your not going to feel very well either." Just then a horribly awful smell filled my nose. My eyes opened wide and I began choking on air. The woman pulled me up in a sitting position and hit me one good time on the back causing me to catch my breath. I looked around dazed but aware of where I was, I blinked a few times and sighed but, when I shut my mouth I bit my tongue not with my teeth but with sharp k-9's protruding from my gums.

I winced in pain and surprise for I found myself sucking in the blood that dripped from the small cut. "Looks like you've found your fangs!" James laughed "And you've discovered the thirst!?" I looked at him with confusion. "Ill explain later, when we get back to the castle." He said turning to help finish filling the hole again. I tired to stand but was stopped by the vampire who had woken me with the awful smell. "No! Miss! You mustn't exert yourself! Too much activity could make you ill after what you've been through." She said as she wrapped a thin sheet around me.

I looked up to find the sky full of stars, from where the moon was I say it was about three in the morning. When they finished filling the hole I was helped to my feet and told to mount one of the horses. I looked at them carefully, not wanting to mount a horse that didn't like me. I mounted a very young mare, most likely she had just been saddle broken. She was black as the night that surrounded us; she was tall, lean and well mannered as well. She acted as if she was as sure of herself as one of her elders; she was a sturdy horse, strong and confident.

As soon as I laid eyes on her I knew that she and I would become good friends since I no longer had any. I couldn't consider the other vampires friends since I had only just gotten to know them. James asked the others to ride ahead so that he and I could talk. "So do you have any questions for me?" He asked. "Um...Yes." I said "will I remain as a 13 year old girl forever?" He let a slight smile slip on to his lips and said "No. You will grow just as the humans do but your growth will stop at the age of eighteen." "Oh, That's a relief." I sighed.

James began laughing which in turn made me begin to laugh. We laughed half of the way there then I came up with another question. "Is there anything special I can do?" I asked. "I don't know. Every vampire develops differently. Some have powers and some don't." He said in a calm and somber voice. I nodded softly and laid down black mare watching the sky ahead of us as we traveled.

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