weak magnet

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It seemed like everybody's head had turned when he took that seat. Suddenly I noticed the death stares I was receiving from all the girls and the smirks from all the boys. I sunk in my seat, grateful when Ms. White got the class's attention again. I tried to pay attention, but I couldn't hold still underneath the hot gaze of Derik. The rest of the class period I couldn't focus on anything. Why did he have to sit next to me? There was at least three other open seats. Derik was starting to lean over and I feared what he'd say but a long ring saved me. I threw my books in my bag and bolted for the door just to get pulled back by the teacher. So close.

"Yes, Ms. White?" I asked standing in front of her desk. She held her finger up telling me to wait till the class left for lunch. I tapped my foot impatiently waiting to hear what this was all about. "Derik, I need to speak with you." Her voice rang out and I heard his feet shuffling up behind me. My body froze as I felt his hot breath hit the back of my neck. "What did you need, Ms. White?" I asked once more hoping to get this over with. "Well, Ms. Day I was hoping you'd show our new student around, that is if you're okay with it Mr. Black?" Ms. White said and I knew it was with the best intentions but all I really wanted was to get away from him. "That would be great." Derik's deep voice said and Ms. White smiled at us both before shooing us away.

"That way's the science wing, Math wing, English hall obviously, and that way's the cafeteria." I said in a rush as we stood in the middle of the empty hall way. I nodded by farewell and started making a beeline for the schoolyard only to be pulled back. "No, Darling I believe I didn't quite get that." he smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Fine, follow me." I said shaking his hand off my wrist. So much for a swift and painless introduction. "So I never believe I got your name." he said as I led him down the bland blue and gray hallways. "Ember." I grumbled as I pushed through the cafeteria doors. I immediately took to my right leading out to the school yard.

I walked over to the little round table under the oak, where I sat everyday by myself. I groaned and threw my bag on the concrete table and buried my head into my arms. This is going to be a long day.

I stayed like that till a familiar voice made me lift my head. "Is there not some other table you can sit at, Derik?" I asked and put my head back down in my arms. "You really don't like me huh?" he asked and I could practically hear the cockiness oozing out of his words. "Hum, wonder how you figured that out?" I asked sarcastically. He let out a laugh and I looked back up at him. "Something funny?" I asked crossing my arms and leaning back a little. "Yeah, I've never been rejected before this far in advance," he said smirking. "There's a first for everything." I said pulling out my art notebook to finish up a sketch, I would have gotten up and left but  I wasn't going to let him have the satisfaction.

Next thing you know my table was full of giggling, preppy, school girls. The kind who give teachers lap dances for good grades. "Hey girls." Derik's smooth voice said causing all of them to swoon. I rolled my eyes and continued drawing. "Hey handsome, why don't you come to my place tonight?" one of the high pitched voices said. "I'll make sure to stop by." he said giving them I guess what would be considered a million dollar smile but from the angle I had it seemed fake. She giggled and dropped a piece of paper into his hand and walked away with her giddy posse. Once they were out of hearing range I let out a laugh. "What's so funny?" he asked startled by my little outburst. "Just those poor girls." I said with another laugh. I really shouldn't be laughing but it was there fault they couldn't see the obvious. He lifted his eyebrow giving me a 'go on' look. "They think there gonna change you, they think if they let you sleep with them it will change guys like you." I said and watched his face change into a frown. "Guys like what?" he asked and I was didn't notice how soft it had gotten. "Weak magnets. The ones that are everyone's attracted to but get there charge and break off." I said as the bell rang and walked away to my next class leaving him there on the bench

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2013 ⏰

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