chapter 5

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Chapter 5

hello all! i really hope all (100!!!) of you readers are enjoying my book. i really want to make it special so leave me feedback, and no don't worry im not gonna make you vote to get a new chapter. this book is my baby and i wanna make it amazing and what all you wanna read!! so let me know sugarplums!

the song for this chapter is * sweet dreams by Marilyn Manson  its such a creepy song, i love it! ps its dedicated to Maia! 

still sitting in the bedroom, an awkward silence fell over all of us. Charles was brooding and pacing back and forth, probably thinking of a way to get me back for my snide comment. Henry was silent and calm, leaning against the wall. cigarette in hand, randomly sneaking a glaces at me. he hadn't said anything after my comment. neither of them had, so I grabbed a cigarette, sat back a watched both of them smiling from my chair. Charles stopped and turned setting his glowing eyes on me, as he started to open his mouth to speak. "CHARLES!" came a sweet sing-song voice, before he could get a word out the door was thrown open, and the pretty blond i had met earlier gracefully strolled into the room. All of our curious eyes watched her walk to the chair across from mine and stared twirling her golden locks. Charles eyes went from me to the girl, then back to me. Awe C cat got your tongue? i said to myself with a smirk slowly forming on my lips. " Charles I'm bored" the girl whined, though her voice was light and sweet. Charles let out a sigh and rubbed his temples."Tanya cant you see we are busy or did you miss the dead girl on the bed, or Catherina sitting right in front of you, looking like that?" he growled lowly, almost in a whisper. "so, she looks fine to me, and what about me?" Tanya said stubbornly, making  Henry and I turn our gazes on her. Charles looked like her was gonna have a heart attack, that or go on a killing spree. i rolled my eyes at his red face,  I looked closer at Tanya she was on a red silk corseted dress, with long blood red gloves running up her thin pale arms. Her golden locks seemed to shine in the light , while thick waves of hair rolled down her back. she looked perfect, that is until i saw her picked at her nails. i focused my eyes on the gloves, and felt bile slowly rise up my throat. It was then that I realized that the red gloves weren't gloves at all but rather a thick layer of blood and gore going up to her elbows. Tanya then picked off a long string of what looked like skin from under her nails and flicked it at me, watching with an amused smile as I flinched away from it automatically. Charles snapped at Tanya, "Stop it! What did we talk about?" She rolled her eyes and drawled out, in a bored voice, "Don't terrorize the guests.." Meanwhile, Henry watched Tanya and laughed half heartily at her attempt to appease Charles. In my own head all I could think was that this was the most bizarre sibling interaction I had ever seen and on top that that, these people were fucked up!

Charles gave Tanya a "death" glare as he rushed to my side, all signs of anger washed away on his handsome face. " Sweetheart, are you ok?" his amazing eyes looked at me with fear and worry. honestly i was in shock, i couldn't move, i couldn't speak i just sat there staring at that handsome face. "Henry get over here, her face is white as snow." Charles was yelling, i could hear him, see the stress and fear. come on Catherina snap out of it, this is all just a prank, its not real,its not real. "its not real." i herd come from my mouth in a whisper. Relief washed over everyone as Charles picked me up bridal style and walked me out of the room. being so close to him was agonizing, he smelled sexy, hell everything about this man was sexy. I want him to be mine, for him to only look at me and kiss me with such passion it makes your toes curl. "hmmmmm" i mumbled into his strong chest. Charles gave a light chuckle, while he nuzzled his nose into my hair. " you had me worried there sweetheart, don't ever do that again." he said with a serious tone, while i just nodded my head. "now my Catherina we need to have a talk but its late and we both need some sleep, and don't worry i had andr'e get some thing from your place, even that little fur ball you call a dog." Charles was chuckling into my hair, while i smacked him arm. " for your information his name is Giovanni and hes the best dog anyone has ever seen." i said doing my best to make Gio sound better than he looked. Again he chuckled lightly while he carried me down the stairs. looking around everyone had left and the place was spotless."Charles?" i asked feeling a little rude." hmmmm?" he hummed out. "urm how did your place get so clean?" i said in almost a whisper. we kept going until he reached another hall by the kitchen, Charles stayed silent as if trying to act like he didn't hear me. " Char-?" my words were cut short when we walked threw two huge double doors in to an amazing suit. the walls were a pail shade of an icy blue and were very tall. the huge California king bed was in the center of the room with fluffy white and brown comforters and pillows. the floors were dark wood. when i said suit i meant it. This huge room had everything you could need a office, a little kitchen, a living room with huge book shelves. Charles put me down on the bed and walked into a room, i sat there feeling tired and comfortable. when Charles came back i was almost passed out, he was carrying a suitcase and a little white fluffy dog in his huge hand. I sat up in bed and Gio went crazy trying his hardest to jump to me. " he sure loves you, when andr'e went to get him he was howling like mad, looking pathetic." Charles said passing the dog to me. " yes he does that when im gone and mommy wuvs her wittle gigi! yes she does!" i sang sweetly to my dog. ok i know its lame but hes all i really got so lay off.  yawning I huddled down into the soft bankets with Gio and fell fast asleep before my head hit the pillow.

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