Felix- Announcement Vlog

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"How's it goin bros my name is pewwdiepie and today-"

I jump in fast scaring Felix in the process.

"ME!...oh wait"



There's was a short pause as we look at each other trying to make it look awkward. We bust out laughing and he pulls me into a hug since we're standing.

"Everyone this is how I shall announce this."

Without saying anything he pulls out two crowns. Then he takes out a sharpie and draws "King" on one crown and puts it on his head. On the other one he writes "Queen" then puts it on my head. We look at the camera as we out stretch our arms and do a half squat.

"Get it? Cause she's my girlfriend."

"Felix, honey. I think they get it."

We giggle and he gives my a long kiss.

"Everyone I'm so deeply in love with this woman I can not explain."

We share on more kiss before I jump on his back and rest my head on his shoulder next to his head.

"Leave a like if you enjoyed watching and as always stay awesome bros"
We both bro fist the camera and it cuts to his out scene.

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