Mark- Announcement Vlog

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"Hello everybody my name is markiplier and today I'm here with my girlfriend!"

I jumped in and out stretched my arms to make it seem like I was doing a dramatic intro.

"Heello I'm y/n!"

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Me and y/n have been dating for a while but I decided that you guys should know that my life has turned around drastically for the good because of this girl. She's excited about this so I don't know why she's so quiet." He chuckled

"Beecause your shoulders warm and your comfyy."

He kissed me on the forehead.

"Well if someone didn't stay up all night doing god knows what. Then you wouldn't be tired."
I slowly looked up at him with my eyes half open and put my index finger to his lips.

"ShhhhUT UP!"
He busted out laughing as I sit there smiling idioticly and giggle a bit.

"After this we can go to bed ok?"

"I meaan I gueess."

"So short recap this is my new girlfriend, she stays up all night and she's tired."

"You forgot...she eats anything that gets in her way."
He laughs

"That's true..." I punch him in the shoulder and laugh and he returns a loving smile.

"Thank you everybody for watching and as always I will see the next video...

""Bye bye""
We say in unison, then the outro scene.

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