Rain, Rain, Go Away

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Words: 981

Summary: Dan and Phil have plans to go out but they're cancelled when it starts raining. Phil gets a bit down and Dan cheers him up.

Warnings: lol, none just some low-quality fluff

Phil sat in his room looking out the window. It had been raining all day, and the grey clouds had put Phil in a sour mood. He and Dan were supposed to go out and spend the day together--looking at all the cool anime shops and getting bubble tea but because of the rain, they had to postpone.

Phil let out a deep sigh. Sometimes he really hated the London weather. It always seemed to be rainy and grey. And whenever it was sunny, he and Dan were always too busy either making videos or working at the radio station to go outside and enjoy themselves together. Whenever they had any free time it was usually spent indoors, watching anime and playing video games. Don't get him wrong, he loved all that stuff but sometimes Phil just wanted to get out of the house and enjoy the sun and the trees--even if they didn't please Dan.

"Phil? What are you doing?" Dan walked into the room, joining Phil by the window. Phil let out another sigh.

"Just watching the rain, I guess." He set his chin on his hand, frowning as the water droplets flowed down the window like tiny rivers of sadness.

"Aw, come on, Phil. I know you wanted to spend the day with me outside, but we can still have some fun!" Phil turned and looked up at Dan.

"Yeah... I suppose." Dan gave a small smile and took his hand.

"Come on! Let's find something to do!"

They ran into the living room and Dan sat Phil on the couch.

"Wait right here, I'll just be a second." Dan ran out of the room and left Phil to slump on the sofa. He started to pick at one of the strings hanging out of a cushion. Dan returned with his laptop, and all of the blankets they owned, including both his and Phil's duvets.

"Dan, what're yo--"

"Not yet, Phil! I'll be right back!" Dan ran out of the room again and Phil looked at the piles of blankets on the floor. Before he could start thinking too much, Dan ran back in with two mugs of tea and some snacks under both arms.

"Here, drink this, I'll set up the fort!" Phil was smiling by now and took a few sips of tea from his "Daddy" mug as Dan re-arranged the living room, using chairs as the "skeleton of the fort" as he liked to call it. Phil helped drape some of the blankets across the chairs, and when they were finished, it was one of the most magnificent of forts.

Dan was grinning ear to ear and he took Phil's hand and led him to the entrance of the fort. Dan pulled back the flap.

"After you, good sir."

Phil blushed, still a bit flustered about the hand holding, crawled into the fort and smiled at his and Dan's nice work.

"Nice view." Said Dan and Phil could practically hear the smirk.

"Shut up!" Dan chuckled and crawled in after him, bearing more snacks.

"So, we've built a fort. Now what."

Dan pulled out his laptop and opened it to the beginning of Tangled.

"I saw how upset you were about it not being sunshiny out so I decided to give you Rapunzel and her magic sun flower hair to cheer you up!"

Dan smiled at Phil and he blushed.

"Aw, thanks. What a cutie you are Daniel Howell." Now it was Dans turn to blush.

"Only because you're a ray of sunshine, Philip Lester."

They both laughed and Phil leaned his head on Dans shoulder.

"Thank you."


The movie ended and Phil was, indeed feeling much better about the rainy day. He and Dan had finished all the snacks and their second round of tea and he and Dan had sung along to "I Have A Dream" word for word, which had ended up in loads of giggles.

Phil looked over and realized that Dan had fallen asleep sometime during the movie with his head on one arm, and the other wrapped around Phil's waist. He had a small smile on his face and Phil couldn't help but smile himself, at Dan's cuteness. Then Phil realized they were in a fort and there was just no way he was gonna get Dan out without waking him up. Phil gathered the snack wrappers up and left the fort, walking toward the kitchen to throw away the trash. He'd decided he'd let Dan sleep just a bit longer.

Phil had dumped the trash and was walking back to the fort when he looked out the window and saw one of the biggest, brightest, rainbows he'd ever seen in his entire life.

"Dan! Dan! Wake up! Come look at this rainbow!" Phil scrambled into the tent and shook Dan awake.

"Hhhuuuhggh?" Dan said as he rubbed his eyes.

"Dan, look! The rain's gone away and there's a rainbow!" Dan and Phil shuffled out of the fort and Dan followed Phil across the room to the window.

"Woah, Phil, it's beautiful!" Dan smiled his brown eyes, wide with wonder.

Much like you, thought Phil. Wait, what? He didn't like Dan in that way, did he?

Dan looked over at him and grinned.

"Wow Phil, I knew you liked me but to call me a beautiful as this rainbow? It's an honor!"Phil went bright red.

"Oh no, did I say that aloud?!" Dan looked as if he was about to burst out laughing.

"It's okay, I think you're as pretty as this rainbow, too." Phil turned back towards the rainbow, smiling and Dan leaned down, giving Phil a light kiss on the cheek.

"I love you, Dan."

"I love you too, Phil."

And with that Phil smiled to himself, knowing that even though the day had started out grey, it couldn't have gotten any better.

Wow, I'm sorry if that was terrible, this is my first time doing one-shots or fluff, or anything really. Oh well. I basically based this off of this rainbow I saw today. I don't live in Europe so if I don't get things right, don't hate me, I don't know any better. ;)
Okay, I'm done talking now.
Bai! <3 Stay happy

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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