Fuu Pt 2.

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Heres Pt.2 let me know what you think . 💕👋 Stay Great .

As Mugen and Fuu were passing through the meadows , he couldnt help but notice fuu's silence "why the fuck are ya so quiet bitch"? She then stuck her foot out to trip mugen as he wasnt watching his step . "THUMP" "ahhh shit im gonna get you , you little bitch " mugen said angrily . Fuu seductively giggling "hahaha ohh !shut up , still haven't changed , same old mugen" fuu Said . "Oh yeah ? " mugen said sternly . As the two continue walking a small brown wooden temple appears on the horizon "Mugen ?" Fuu asked
"When we seperated , did you by any chance miss me ? " fuu asked .
"Nah" mugen replied
"I did miss those dumplings though "
Fuu angrily sighed . "We're almost to jins place " she said . As the two appeared at the temple, fuu slid the temple door open "hi everybody i brought back an old smelly friend" as she stepped to the side mugen walked in widening jins eyes "mugen? " jin asked
"Yeah you heard the bitch -" "POP" fuu punched mugen in the back of the head leaving a knot . "How ya been four eyes ?" Mugen asked . "Never better" As sick shino and mugen talk , Koko Jins 4 year old brought out a plate of dumplings. As They ate jin couldn't help but notice fuu silently walked back out to sit on the porch of the temple .
Jin and shino lived in a brown temple in the meadows that overlooked the ocean , it looked like it was floating on water , it looked so beautiful once the full moon lit it.
"Here you go momo " fuu said as she cut open the watermelon with the hidden sunflower ginsu she had on her kimono. She opened it to give momo the seeds , as he ate it she gently rubbes the top of momo's head
She gently sighed "we need baths momo" fuu said , As Mugen and jin finish eating , sick shino decided that it was time to put little koko and her sick self to rest . "Well goodnight boys i think me and koko are gonna take off " shino said . As shino picked up koko she waved and said "goodnight daddy and moo moo " as shino shit the door to the the other side of the temple . Just for a Brief moment of silence crept in Mugen Broke it "hey four eyes " Mugen roughly said "Yeah " jin retorted as he darted his eyes to mugen

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