Humble Beginings

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Fuu had fallen fast aleep after her and mugens session on jins porch . She woke up in the middle of the night to get another blanket , and noticed momo had moved from here original spot , "momo?" She whispered walking into the main area of the temple , only to see momo laying beneath mugens hair . She to the room to lie down , she slid the door closed behind her .
The Morning After ,
Momo began to nudge fuu's cheek as the peak of the sun rose , she eventually woke up , and started off her dauly routine of stretching , batheing , and leaving . She fixed her hair into a back bun , with thin strands of hair pull over both her ears . She grabbed a fitted red kimono with black koi on it out from under the floorboard , its where she kept all of her stuff . Her kimono was like her other one , it stopped at the top of her feet , the top of the kimono stopped below her color bone exposing both her shoulders , she had matte Red pouty Lips , and white teeth , fuu had a smile along with a sexy voice that could get any man to spend money on her without her even touching them . As momo hop on her shoulder she headed out of the main door of the temple right before jin and mugen woke up . "Where the fuck is fuu?" Mugen asked , Jin looked to mugen as he was holding their daughter , "could you watch your language in front of the child ?" jin asked , mugen humped his shoulders nonchalantly, "whatever" mugen implied . "She always leave before we all get up " jin replied . Mugen stood up to stretch his arms high to the sky "ill be back im in need of fresh air " he said , jin cut his eyes to mugen , "you're going to find fuu aren't you ? " jin asked , "no im not goin to look for the bitch " he replied as he ran out . Fuu had Arrived to Edo in order to buy food with the money she earned yesterday morning , as she shoved her way through , she finally made it by her favorite fruit stand which is watermelon . She took two watermelon , some rice , along with others foods "that will be 5 ryo " said the village man , she handed him the coins . "Wow i can't believe all of this food costed me 5 ryo , maybe i should come here more often " she said . As she walked throughout the village she couldn't help but notice a strange group of people passing through , you could tell that they weren't from here . For starters the one guy had a red outfit , pointy ears with long white hair , he looked as if he had an nasty attitude, the girl he traveled with had a white and green shirt , with long black hair nothing like id ever seen , they traveled with an monk who had a gold staff , who was getting drugged by the ear by a pretty woman who had a huge boomerang on her side . They didn't notice me , but before she could asked the girl in the green a question they had disappeared just like that . A loud obnoxious laughter broke fuu's stare followed by the sound of dice hitting the ground . She quickly shifted her eyes to a hut where she had seen whores go in and out of , she looked to momo "lets go check it out " she said taking the fruit with her , she quickly walked into the hut where she was greeted by a drunk old man "Fuu-*hiccup-chan! Over here darling " she walked closer to notice it was her old master playing the dice game she got mugen and jin out of . "Hey wanna win some extra money ?" The dealer asked , she gave a seuctive smike and humped her shoulders nonchalantly "sure " she replied . He rolled fuu the dice "best out of 5" he said , she looked to him and nodded . He then began to yell

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