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Hi guys I will still continue child of the abyss. I will make a few changes with the Soviet Union . One of the Is that they will have a massive navy.(and yes they will have modern battleships and aircraft carriers.i need you guys help with) . Thats all. PS I may add Russian bias . Set's after the fall of beacon

Location: Siberia
Inside a top secret Soviet facility. Was gigantic machine. There was a bunch a people in the room." When will the test begin you know what Stalin will do if you egghead's don't hurry" said a woman . " Not long Tatiana we only need a few ze minutes " said a old man " and we done . I need ze everyone to stand back". The people started to walk to the back " are you sure this will work doctor Steiner. You know what happened to you're former employer s " said Tatiana. Steiner shivered"they brought it ze on them selves. I told them not ze touched it. is their fault they turned ze inside out. and if it will work ze machine will revolutionize the laws of physics. Now ze test will commence"."if they fails I'm personally gonna shoot you". Steiner was now holding a device with a switch and wears goggles. " Ok ze test will happen In 3...2...1... LOS!!!" Steiner switch the device and the machine roared to life. The mechanical pieces of the machine begin to move and started glow red. " Ze work. Ze machine work. Ze machine work"said Steiner. Suddenly the machine began to shake violently. And pieces if the machine started to fly of it." Doctor what's wrong". Steiner was at the controls pushing buttons like madman" Ze machine need more power. I need to overload ze machine or we all gonna ze die commissar " Tatiana paused for a bit she begins to think. She decided what to do"do it" ."ze Of course " he began to push buttons. The machine shook more violently. And than a red light envelope the facility but it didn't stop there. The entire Soviet Union was envelope by the red light. The entire Soviet Union disappeared of the earth only to appear in another world.

Location: unknown
Tatiana awakes and see the machine was gone . She notice everyone survived." Oh me head" she heard Steiner.She got up her white hair behind her. "Commissar!!" Said a red guard who came."what is it comrade". "The moon something is wrong with it"." You know what-" ."commissar this isn't a joke . Just see" They followed the red guard outside"look" they look all up and what they saw schoked them. Half the moon was broken. Silence hung over the air.
" Where are we" said Tatiana. Little did the people of the Soviet Union and remnant knew a new player enters in remnant . Now the Soviet Union will soon be forced into the chess game to survive. What will this mean? Only destiny will tell

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