Making the first move

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Location: Russia, Moscow
Inside the Kremlin was a room. In that room was Stalin and his men." As you all know why we are here. We don't what happened to the moon . Marshall Zhukov you said that you know the cause " said Stalin.  The rest of them looks at a man " of course.A  few hours  ago something happened at one research facilities. I don't know the exact details. But these might". He waved his hand. And the doors opens Doctor Steiner. "Let me introduce do you to Dr Steiner. He is German scientist who works on machine which he claims can revolutionize the laws physics. Now Doctor care to explain what happened to the moon". Steiner gulps. "Well you see ze machine needed more  power or ze facility goes boom boom. So we overloaded ze machine and there was zis red light that envelope the room"." But that's doesn't explain why half if the moon is in pieces". Steiner takes a gulp. " Well I noticed something odd with ze star's . I study ze star's. I found  out what ze problem"."well that what is it "."ze star's doesn't match with our star charts. I concluded that... ze entire Soviet Union was transported in another world. Well look on ze bright side at least you don't have to worry about ze Amerikanen and ze British "." I agree with him . I have been receiving reports if oceans popping up were land was supposed to be" said a person." And we can also expand our territory " said a man."and if run into Natives we can influence them". said another." Hmmm. I like that idea. But wat shall our first move be?". said Stalin." May I propose an idea" said Zhukov." Well than let me hear it"." I propose we send a task force to establish a base on land . We shall bring diplomat's if we run into Natives and get them on our side. We already have a task force in Sevastopol and they report there was land"." But what if the natives see us as hostile and mobilize against us Marshall"said a random guy." Don't worry tovarish. We have our Russian bias. Nothing can beat our Russian bias"." I like that idea Zhukov. Since you came up with this idea. I am putting you in charge of this task force"." Stalin if you don't mind I want to take a particular commissar with me"." Of course comrade. Which commissar do you have in mind?"." I am wanna take commissar Tatiana with me . You have heard of her battles"." Oh yes I've seen read her battle report. I am quite surprised she killed a lot of Germans using a pistol, Katana and rapier. You may take her. But how are you gonna get there"."If you don't mind . We could use ze teleporter I made. Is ze complete safe"said doctor. There was a bit of silence. Stalin nodded .
Zhukov was walking down a hallway with his companion."I never gonna trust Dr Steiner again"."at least we didn't in end up inside out" The person hat white hair and white. She wears commissar uniform. She has Katana and rapier on her belt. Tatiana had the urgh to kill Steiner. That moron made her puke after she was teleported by his teleportation machine . The finally came into room where other people." Marshall Zhukov" said a man wearing admirald uniform." Admirald Isakov. So I heard you found some land"." Yes Marshall we do our scouts reported land a few miles from our position. I propose we send a landing party" ."I completely agree with you Isakov. We'll send a Marine division to secure a beach head. After that we send our tanks and troops to establish a base"."Buy what if they run into hostile" said a random Russian." Don't worry comrade. We will provide air and naval support. Our bias is to STRONk " Said the admirald."After we establish a base we will send out forces to look for locals. We want to establish diplomacy". Zhukov turned to commissar Tatiana" Tatiana you are to make sure everything runs smoothly"." Of course Marshall" ." You're all dismissed" everyone left Tatiana went outside . She look outside and saw dozen of Soviet ships on the high seas . There was battleships , battlecruiser , aircraft carriers. cruisers, destroyers along with other ships. The ship she was on the Battleship Sovetsky Soyuz pride of the black sea fleet.

Location: Vale
Somewhere in Vale in room was General ironwood." I thank you for everyone coming on such a short notice" he said to the room other occupants who were Glynda Goodwicth, Qrow Branwen, Taiyang Xiao Long, Winter Schnee , Harold Schnee and Yang Xiao Long. " So James what do you wanna talk about" said Harold." You've all heard rumors  about  a land about appearing out of nowhere " said Ironwood." Well heard about but there just rumors" said Glynda ." Well what if I tell you is real" . Everyone had schoked expression on their face." General Ironwood is just"." Is just better if I showed you. This a recording of one our drones" A screen appeared and on it was video of ocean. Suddenly there was massive red light that engulfed the area . After the light disseapper there was land mass and city. " That wasn't the only thing I found . They already made their first move." He showed them another video. This showed fleet of ships .Everyone watched with wide eyes" Their headed straight to mengerie"." Do we have anyone in the area?" Said Harold." No"." Yes we have" said Glynda . Everyone look at Glynda." Who" said Yang."Team CFVY"

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