002: New Cover Making Thingy

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I just.

I love the cover I made for this (the picture)

It's so cool like I can't even.

I'll be updating A Maid's Life and My Little Hero of Earth next week on Monday & Thursday but I'll update the covers since I have a new idea of the covers.

Still, following some elements of their old ones but be newer.

I didn't go to sleep until 1:30 AM and woke up at 7 AM to Bentley howling for me to feed him. After feeding him, I went back to bed and woke up at 11:30 AM and fed him again. This time me eating also. I haven't fell back to sleep yet.

I don't have many people to talk to so, Kik me?

Also I have tumblr and twitter.

Kik: vwants_2_fly
Tumblr: vwantstofly
Twitter: vwantstofly

(If you're wondering, vwantstofly is my gamer tag I had and will continue using haha)

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