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I wanted to spend the day before my wedding with my two brothers and especially after all the time I've missed without them. Of course they didn't want to sit at a circle discussing about my wedding. The only interest we had in common was sports. I played sports as being a child in Ireland, I played caomgie and football.
I dressed into a pair of trousers and a loose blouse. I was about to run out the door with my hurlie before Ada and Polly stopped me. "What are you doing?" They asked in unison most likely not knowing what caomgie even is. "Erm... I ... Playing caomgie with my brothers?" unsure that was the correct answer. "You want a black eye on your wedding day with that big stick and hard ball". Ada still trying to comprehend me. "Awk come on, please...". I put on my puppy eyes and stared at Polly and Ada. They didn't seem to be giving in until Michael came down the stairs laughing "you're only allowed to play football and that's it". I squealed and ran up to him hugging him "thank you, thank you" grinning ear to ear. Sticking my tongue out jokingly at Ada and Polly.
I run out the door to my brothers kicking the ball to Oísin, and galloping to the field. We had no posts so we just kicked the ball back and forth, we played tag and piggie in the middle. I felt like I was 6 years old again, before the business/gang took off and actually became dangerous. It was calming to run along with my brothers without a worry in the world. I felt good to do this again, have the wind blowing in my hair while running with the ball in my hands. "Pass ,O'Neill!" I hand balled the football to Miguel. "Or should I say Mrs Gray" I glared at Miguel, chasing him until I caught up with him tackling him into the ground. We wrestled for a minute until Oísin ran over and jumped on us, shouting "dog pile!" We laughed, laying on the ground exhausted, talking about old memories. "Remember when Dad made Flower..." I smiled at my old nickname " shoot a rabbit". "That's nice as your first memory, killing an animal" I laughed with a small hint of bitterness. I had always had a soft spot for animals and when I was younger I was completely again all sorts of violence. "Crazy to think you're the first of us to get married" Oísin said jokingly but with a small hint of sadness. "Sure, you and Aine will probably get married soon" I replied trying to keep the mood light. "As much as I don't want to be married, I'm so glad to see you again" I rejoiced. We sat against the tree for another half an hour, we made for way back when the sun was going down.

I came in though the door shivering as my blouse was not providing me with much warmth

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I came in though the door shivering as my blouse was not providing me with much warmth. Michael had put on the fire knowing that and Polly went off to make tea when we heard us enter the house. "Thank you" the three of us said at the same time to Michael. I went to the kitchen while the boys teased Michael. I took a moment to ask Polly as my maid of honour, I had always imagined Anna as my maid of honour but... "Hey Polly I know this is on really short notice but will you be my maid of honour" I asked her nervously. Polly gasped, of shock? Horror? My palms started to sweat more, but Polly tore me from my thought by shouting "YES! Of course I will". Michael had already decided that Isaiah will be his best man. I laughed taking the tea tray off Polly offering to bring it in I stopped at the door lingering for a moment to eavesdrop "look Michael, I don't know what my Dad said to you about the deal, but if you do anything that my sister doesn't want done to her-" Miguel cut him off " we won't even take a second thought about ignoring the truce besides that we'll treat as a brother of our own". "I'm not that type of guy, I wouldn't do anything to hurt-" "tea anyone?" Cutting off Michael before the noticed me at the door. "Thanks Flower".

I went to bed shattered from the long day and to prepare myself for tomorrow this was the last time I would be Rose O'Neill.

Singing Assassin || Michael GrayWhere stories live. Discover now