The Tale of Two Legs (A Ferard Crack-Fiction)

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This shit was inspired by emo_iero. Satan bless her soul. My head hurts and so does my arm, sweet baby.

While Gee and Frok were waitin' for Frok to give birth to their bby (bc men get pregers too my frens), Miky, Ray 'n' Boob were sittin' and standin' patiently, chattin' among thyselves.

"I cannoot wait for dis bby," Frok says to his luv, Gee. "Dis bby is a comin' now!" He screeched lik a tru wooman.

"Get da docta!" Gee screamed, even louder than when dat bby were conceiveded.

"AhhhHHHHH!!" Miky and Ray yelled.

"Geesus, my men," Boob said, pooping his head outta da door. "Doocter! We gots a pregers male givin' da births!" He screamed.

"Oi mate!" The doocter saided. "That'a gee way noow!" He spooke, furiously pointin' down da hall-gee-way. "Dat boi 'bout ta do it!"


When thee child were 'bout ta be birthed, Frok gripped his boi's arm and said, "DIS BOI IS COMIN' OUT!"

Witch were hilarious, bc it can go for the child 'n' Frok booth. Bc Frok gay af.

"It's a comin' big boi. It's a comin'!!" The doocter screeched. Boob had sat doon, thee excitement of a noow edition ta da band too mooch ta handle.

Frok gave thee last of da 10 pooshes and a pair of leggies pooped outta his manly hoole.

"WUT IN THE ACTUALE FUE IS THAT??" Gee screamed, sittin' on thee sid of da bed next too Frok and hopping in his boi's lap. Frok held him and said, "I luv our childs any-gee-way, my hoosband."

Luv was evidente in booth of there orbs as they staired at each oother, ignorin' all da choases aroond dem.

The doocter and noorse were tryna catch da pear of leggies dat pooped outta Frok will Miky jumped intoo Ray's arms and they booth screeched like Banshees and ran outta da room, shuttin' thee door su dat pear of leggies couldn't'a rane outta da room w/ them.

Boob was sittin' in da chair and stairin' lik he were half stoned, and thought dem, dis gettin' old while a magical pear of maracas pooped intoo he handos and his hed were acquainted w/ a noice hatteria. He continued stairin' until he said, "Now we'll be emo punk rock and incredibly differoont w/ dis pear a leggos on our sid."

Gee remained screamin' in his boi's arms, whilst Frok held him tight and rised him froom perditions, just lik Cassie did 4 his tru luv, Deano Winchesta in da 5th season uh Spoopernetural.

"Wee caught 'em all!" The doocter, who was noow Canadion, saided, whilst holdin' them leggies tight and risin' 'em lik da stars they'll bee-movie.

"Gimme," Frok sayses, and holds 'em tight to his boob-less cheest. "Awwes, dey su kewt," he turned 2 Gee. "Boot neva kewta den u, ti amo Gee-bby."

Gee nooded and sayses, "Dey r bootiful noow dat I see dem up cloose, ti amo mi sweet leggies and sweetheart."

N dat's hoow Ferard's bby were a pear o leggies, dey apperentlie r noow Italiano citizans of da USA, and Boob was simultaneously scarred 4 his lyfe bc his gay son's bby was terrifingly arousing.

*Drops phone* I rest my case, my fellow tiny Stans. Tag yo frens 2 make them waste their lives reading what I wasted my life writing.


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