Keeping to the Shadows

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Yes, I am finally updating! First I want to apologize for the inconsistent updates. For a very long time I've been experiencing writers block and I've been dealing with personal issues which had put me in a state in which I couldn't even muster the desire or motivation to write at all. Secondly, I want to apologize to everyone who commented on both of my accounts volunteering to take over/co-author my story. I truthfully wanted to give the story over, however, in the end just could not bring myself to really let go of my work. I appreciate everyone who offered to help, but I will not be looking for a co-author or an entirely new one. Finally, while I will not promise to update daily, I will promise that this story will be completed and it will be done by me. I am so appreciative of everyone who has read my story, liked, commented, and stuck with it this far. Thank you and enjoy.

*Claude's POV*

As Bardroy took his leave I watched from afar in one shadowy corner of Ciel's office space. Dangling expertly from a thinly crafted thread I looked on rather amused as Sebastian sampled the bland snacks checking for signs of corruption. Did he really believe me as low as this? Well he wouldn't be entirely journey from my previous master's manor to this one was, well, complicated. I won't conceal that I did in fact inhabit several human bodies to gain my current spot, but the circumstances were rather desperate.

"Pardon me, young master, but I do think it best if you would kindly exit the room for the time being. I'm afraid to say there's a rather troublesome pest I'd like to get rid of," Sebastian kindly informed.

Ciel's eyebrows rose slightly before got up, making way to exit the room. Pity, it looks like I've been found.

"Leaving so soon?" I inquired as I returned to my demon form, stepping out of the shadows to reveal myself. No one looked shocked at my revelation.

I took another step forward, "I really was hoping you could stay. After all, we still have some unfinished business." I gave a slight chuckle as Elvira took a protective stance in front of the young earl. Oh, I wish she'd play for another good time.

"I don't think my Master's presence is necessary. This fight is between us." Sebastian stated. That's no fun.

    "Really? Since when did Elvira become apart of our dispute? I was under the impression she was only to deal with the business of shinigami." I gave a slight smirk as Elvira narrowed her eyes and stepped forward.

    "I became apart of this disputed when I was asked- by my friends," she declared, "And shinigami business or otherwise, I promise you this is my fight as well."

    "Oh? I had no idea you trio were so close. Pity I'll have to separate the gang."

    "Ciel, I really do believe it's time you left," Elvira commanded rather than stated. He nodded and left the room.

    Now the fun will really begin.

A New Grim Reaper (William T. Spears x OC x Sebastian)Where stories live. Discover now