chapter ten

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Today I had to work a 8 hour shift at McDonalds and thats the longest I ever had to work. After I got off tonight I was going to go meet with Shaun and Mykel about the money we had to pay to Dino. 2 weeks had already passed and we still didn't have that nigga money.

4 hours passed and it was finally time for me to clock out of work. 

" I'm out Boss. "

" Alright. Don't forget about your shift this weekend. "

" Alright. "

Fuck that shift I was gone try to get somebody to fill in for me.

I got my keys out my pocket and started to walk to my car until a black Hummer with tinted windows pulled up in front of me.

A couple of boys jumped out and immediately started jumping on me, punching me, and kicking me. I felt them search my pockets taking everything I had in them. My money and my phone.

I had blood streaming from my mouth and nose.

When I tried to get up and opened my eyes I saw Dino sitting in the drivers seat of the car.

I saw he had a gun pointed at me and I took off running while limping and beat up.


I fell to the ground face first and blacked out with blood rushing from my back.


I had been with Danielle and Skyler all day shopping, getting our nails and toes done and went to a movie just like I promised her. We had just got home and me and Skyler were going to stay at Danielle's house and wait for Bryson to come get us when he got off work so we could go home.

" I'm so tired my feet hurt. " I complained.

" Your feet swole as hell. "

I looked down trying to search for my feet but I couldn't find them. " I can't see my feet. " I pouted.

" That's because my niecey is blocking your view. " Skyler laughed.

" I know tell your niecy to get out of me so I can see my feet again. "

It was now midnight and we were still on waiting Bryson to come get us.

" Just call him and see where he is. " Danielle suggested.

" Okay. "

I dialed his number and before I could press the Call button I felt myself getting wet.

" Am I peeing on myself ? "

" Thats a lot of pee No summer your water just broke we gotta get to the hospital! "

" My water broke? Thats impossible I'm only 7 months. "

" Well your three months early come on we gotta hurry before you get in labor. "

We woke up Ms. Brenda and told her what was happening and she drove us up to the hospital.

First, We had to wait in the waiting room for almost an hour and then they wheeled me into a room.

" Am I going to have the baby today ? Why is this happening i'm not due until 3 months from now. " I was panicking. I was practically in labor about to have a baby 3 months early and Bryson was nowhere to be found.

" Sometimes, Ms. Jenkins, things like this happen that none of us can control. If you do have the baby today, the baby will be premature and we'd have to see how things alre looking before we take further action. " The doctor explained.

This shit can't be happening. I need Bryson right now if I have this baby he can't miss the birth of his own child. I just need him here with me period.

Hours had passed and I was still in labor but I was having major contractions. They had an oxygen mask on my face so I could breathe properly.

Outside of my room door I heard a lot of nurses talking loudly and crowding around what looked like someone in a Gurney but I couldn't see who it was.

When the doctor who was standing in front of the persons face moved my jaw dropped and I immediately started to cry.

It was Bryson and he was unconscious.

I started panicking, taking my mask off and trying to get out of my bed.

" BRYSON!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM WHAT HAPPENED!? BRYSON! " I screamed trying to run towards him.

Some doctors came in trying to hold me back and put me back on the bed.

" That is my boyfriend out there the father of my fucking child you better let me - " I fell down on the floor. The contractions were getting worse and this time I was actually pushing.

" She's pushing! Get her on the bed! "

When they set me on the bed Danielle and Ms. Brenda came over to me and I was squeezing both of their hands so tight.

" Danielle " i said with clenched jaws.

" Yes ? "

" Please... Go check.... on Bryson. "

" Okay. "

" 1 ... 2 ... 3 .. PUSH! "

I did a deep push and then I heard a babies soft cry.

The doctors cleaned her up and examined her.

" Right now, the baby still has a lot of growing to do as we can see. She's premature and we would need to keep her here for a while until she has grown into the proper state of growth she needs to be in. " the doctor informed me.

" Can I please hold her ? " i cried.

He handed the baby to me, laying her in the palm of my head. She was so tiny.

Danielle, Skyler, and Ms. Brenda came crowding over me to see the baby and say their hello's.

" Hey, Babygirl. "

" Do you have a name for her yet ? "

I hadn't even thought of a name my whole pregnancy. Right now, I couldn't even think straight because Bryson was all that was on my mind.

" Kaia ... Kaia Khaleesi Tiller "

hey y'all 💖 my updating schedule is going to change a lot .. i just started school so i won't be able to update on a daily basis because of homework & etc.

i will try to update as much as i can

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