chapter fifteen

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Today was really just a chill day for me Bryson and Kaia we weren't going to do anything but lay around the house.

I was downstairs in the living room with Kenzie and Kaia and Bryson was upstairs on the phone which he had been doing for a long time so I decided to go upstairs where he was and be nosey.

" Kenzie stay with Kaia for a little bit I'll be right back. " I sat Kaia down on her back.

" Shutup. "

I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs on my tippy toes.

I peeked my head around the corner to the room Bryson was in and heard him yelling at somebody on speaker phone.


" I got $400 the rest is up to y'all I wasn't in this shit by myself and I ain't gone pay by myself straight up, B. "

" Fuck man. Bye " He hung up the phone and turned around to see me peeking.

" What you eavesdropping for ? "

" What money you and Mykel talking about ? "

Now I was even more suspicious about what Deshaun told me at the hospital. The first phone call with Deshaun that happened months before the incident, him telling me what was up with it and now Bryson yelling about some money.

" It's nothing. " he responded brushing me off.

" Deshaun already told me what happened Bryson so you might as well just say it. I heard your whole conversation and I don't wanna believe what he told me. So don't lie to me and tell me. "

" What Deshaun tell you ? " he asked, now giving me his full attention.

" Weed. He said y'all was selling weed for some nigga named Dino who is supposedly a kingpen and y'all didn't pay his money back for what y'all sold. Is that what that phone call was about ? "

" When he told you this ? "

" That's irrelevant. "

" Fuck. " he threw his head back.

" Oh, so it's true ? Bryson what the fuck are you doing selling weed and why ? " i was now yelling.

" Calm down. It's not even that serious baby. "

" It's obviously very serious if you had to lie to me about it and go behind my back with this shit."

" I ain't going behind your back with shit. I'm doing it for you and Kaia. That's the only reason. It's a easier way to make money and put food on the table and buy our own place. " he explained.

" You don't have to sell weed to make it easier to provide for your family. There's a million and more ways to make money and put food on the table other than selling weed. Get a real job I don't want your drug money. " i walked away from him.

" So you call yourself being mad ? While I make easy money and you sit on your ass all day but you the one mad ? Fuck on with that shit Summer. "

" I don't sit on my ass all day. I feed, bath, and take care of your daughter. Getting my masters and bachelors degree online to get a REAL job and REAL career to make REAL money while you and your dumb ass homeboys still in debt of some weed y'all stole. You not making money you stealing that shit and I don't want it." we were now arguing and yelling back and forth and I heard Kaia from downstairs start to cry.

I went downstairs with Bryson following to hold her and told Kenzie to go upstairs.

" But are you helping pay rent in this motherfucker ? Get you a job and make some money or don't complain about what I'm bringing in. "

" Shut the fuck up. That nigga Dino he shot you didn't he ? I have the fucking bullet. You saying you making it easy to make money but you out here getting shot over it. Damn near dieing. Oh but it's making it easier for your family ? "

" But did I die ? No. So gone on with that shit. "

" No boyfriend of mine who has a whole daughter gone be selling weed to make his way. So since that's what you wanna do get out. " I shrugged my shoulders.

I was beyond pissed at him for saying that I don't do nothing but sit on my ass and for selling weed in the first place.

I didn't want Bryson to leave but I didn't want him selling weed either just because he thought that was gone be the easy way out. I just don't want no part of that.

" Do what ? "

" Get out. You either pay that man his money back and stop selling weed or get a real job and make real money for your family. Take your fucking pick. "

He took a long time to pause and think about his decision and that shouldn't be anything he would have to think about.

" Wow really ? Just get the fuck out Bryson. "

" You tripping for no reason. I ain't going nowhere. " he stood in front of the door.

" Get out. You can come back when you get your shit together but me and Kaia don't want your weed money. You can keep that shit. Leave. "

" This shit so easy for you huh ? "

" No it's not. But it should show you what your real responsibilities are. That weed shit is childish and stupid and dangerous. All you gotta do is get that shit together but right now I don't want no part of it. " I was getting teary eyed.

" Aiight then. "

He grabbed his keys, kissed Kaia on her cheek and then slammed the door walking out.


I couldn't even believe Summer was tripping so hard about me selling weed and put me out of the house because of it. I didn't want to leave when she gave me the option but I had no choice because if I stayed I'd only be lying to her. Getting out of the weed business is not that easy at all. It's worse than it is trying to stay in. Summer didn't know shit about what she was talking about.

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