51; Love Me Like You Do

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"I'm also the reason your sister is actually staying sane in this situation,"

Justin's POV:


I groaned sleepily, mushing my face further into my pillow as I turned onto my side and brought the duvet over with me, wishing to sleep more as my body laid limp on the bed.

"Justin..." I heard Hazel say again, only her voice was now a lot closer and I could feel her behind me. I made some sort of noise to let her know I could hear her, an also indirect motive to let her know that I wanted to sleep some more when I didn't say anything else after.

I'm guessing she didn't receive the message when her head dipped low, her chin meeting the dip between my neck and shoulder before she started speaking.

"I bought breakfast," She said quietly, the faint smell of her perfume wafting through the air around me as she hummed and then kissed my cheek. The familiarity of her being there was set in stone when she did, my body tensing momentarily as my eyes blinked open slowly at the same time.

I first saw the white covers of the pillows; the ends crumpled as well as the duvet before I turned slightly and had Hazel's hair poking my cheek.

She mumbled a quiet whoops, tucking her hair behind her ears as she sat on top of the duvet and next to me, "It's nearing one in the afternoon," She told me, my eyes still blinking frequently as I become more aware of my surroundings and where I was.

I hummed sleepily, still feeling a little groggy and out of it since the past couple days had been rough and I had fallen asleep yesterday at around five in the morning after picking up Hazel.

My thoughts were cut off when her hand came down to my face, her thumbs swiping underneath my eyes as she narrowed her own at me and then pouted.

"You look so sleepy..." She said, her pout soon turning into a small smile when I did in turn, watching her above me as I let her do what she wanted.

It was comforting having her around.

"It's because I am baby," I explained groggily, my voice thick with sleep as I yawned and covered my mouth with my hand.

"Are you hungry?" She asked me, my stomach rumbling in response to her question which made her smile as she moved and got up and off the bed.

It was at that point when I propped my head on my hand and watched her that I realised she was already changed and had actually gone out to get us both food, her right hand holding two brown paper bags and the other holding a coffee as she walked back to where I was.

"I didn't know whether you wanted food food or just a little bite to eat, so I got something little so we had options if you wanted to go out and eat properly," She said, mumbling some more to herself as she placed them on the bedside stand and then ran her hand through her hair.

She cursed when one of the charms on her bracelet got caught, a chuckle leaving my lips as I sat up and told her to let me help her. She sat on my lap, my fingers working quickly to move the hair caught in the Big Ben charm, Hazel saying something about it being ironic since we were in London as she thanked me and then adjusted her bracelet.

She then proceeded to tell me that the coffee was mine, no sugar and no milk being added to her sentence which made me smile as she remembered the little things and then went back to mumbling things to herself concerning food.

At the same time she dipped her hand into one of the brown paper bags and pulled out a croissant I got out of bed, my feet hitting the floor as I stood up and stretched.

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