Finding him

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The detective and the chief Webber standing in the hallway outside of Meredith's recovery room " Chief Webber, what do you want to do if this was one of your doctors " the chief looks at the detective " if one of my doctors was behind attack on Meredith. I want to know who the hell it was!!" The detective walks away and talks to some other cops for 5 minutes. When he walks back over, it the chief Webber. The detective announces, " we have ID'd who the pager belongs to." Webber asks, "who?" looking down at the name  "it belongs to a doctor Jason Thorn you know him? the name sound familiar " not well but yes, I know him he works in the dermatology department, a nice guy quiet but all in all nice guy " the cop turns towards the door "can you show us where the dermatology department is ?" the chief leads the way " yes this way."

The chief leads the detective and cops to the dermatology department. The police bust in the door, but doctor thorn can escape through a side door. The detective yells at the chief, " lockdown the hospital!" Some of the cops follow him. Derek and Mark are in the Fourier talking when the hospital slams into lockdown.

As the police chase after Jason, he runs into the Fourier Mark, and Derek sees the cops chasing after him and tackle him. The detective walks up to Jason and says, " DR. Jason Thorn, you are under arrest for the assault of Meredith grey; you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be in used against you in a court of law."

Just before the detective could walk him out the door, Derek and mark both walked up to him say " you danm near killed her, you bastard" Derek then punches him in the face and walks. After the first punch, the detective should have taken the perp away, but he also was a husband and bothered, so he understood the men's rage. Mark walks up, and the sucker punches the guy in the gut. As they walk out Derek sees Meredith watching he walks to her.

Derek hugs Meredith, and at first, she resists, but then she gives in. But Derek quickly pushes Meredith away when Addison walks over. And looks at Derek to asks, " Derek, are you ready to go out for lunch" Derek answers, " yes" as Addison and Derek walk away, he looks back at Meredith.

The chief walks over to Meredith and puts his hand on her shoulder; she jumps at him. First, the Webber says, " IT'S OVER."

The end

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