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Two taps and a bird call. That was our secret knock on my French doors at night by my room.

I look up and see a peek of Archer's brown locks glisten from a ray of moonlight. Then, in his manly, sexy glory, Archer Gray stood in front of my bed in black plaid pajamas and a white nirvana shirt.

"Archer?" I pretended to be half asleep but honestly I secretly can't fall asleep unless I am cuddling my favorite teddy bear; Archer.

With no reply, Archer slid in under the covers and laid his heavy, muscular arms and leg over my body. His signature scent of a pine oak with a hint of almond butter hit my senses and instantly put me into euphoria.

My palms grow sweaty whenever I am nervous or tingly. Which basically only happens when I am with Archer or about to give a presentation in Mr. Galligan's class. Nevertheless, I always pray he never notices what he does to me physically.

"Jess?" Archer whispered into my ear with a husky voice. It sent a boatload of butterflies down my stomach, but he didn't know that.
"You still awake?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked concerned.

"Do you ever see yourself.....you know.....being with someone your whole life and falling in love like they do in all those stupid chick flicks?" Archer hesitantly asked.

You'd think I couldn't see the blush that formed on his high cheek bones in the darkness of my room but nope I have night vision people.

That question though struck me. I wasn't one of those girls who were oblivious to a guy liking him so I always secretly hoped whenever Archer said stuff like this or was talking about a girl that it would be about me. It never was. Which eventually led me to conclude that he would only ask me these questions just for the mere fact that I am a girl and he just needs advice.

So, I turned to face him and gave him a truthful reply.

"Yeah, I see someone kissing my forehead to comfort me, kiss me senseless, and make me smile and laugh for the rest of my life with my future kids. I hope one day I find him." I answered with an obvious dreamy tone in my voice. He didn't know I was talking about him so I was just gonna let it all out.

" I hope you do Jess, and he's a really lucky guy." Archer commented.

I wanted to say I've already found him that I was lying that I still need to look for him because I don't.

"Why'd you ask me that?" I questioned.

"I don't know. Sometimes I just wonder if I'm even good enough or committed to do any of that lovey dovey stuff. I want to fall in love with the right girl. I want to get it all right. No mistakes. Just her and I conquering the world." Archer replied.

I smiled like a hopeless romantic because that's what I was. He always avoids talking about stuff like this because I know he is scared of the future. Archer is the type of guy who likes to take his adventures day by day.

Of course me killing the mood says this, " You sound like a girl who just finished reading The Fault In Our Stars dude."

"Shut up, you just made my manliness just drop like by a long shot! I'm just curious okay!" Archer defended. "Okay, I am going to sleep because we still have finals tomorrow. Night Jessia."

" Whatever you say dumbo night night." I said sleepily.

And with that I fell into a dreamless sleep in the arms of my life.

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