The Train Ride

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I walk into the train next to Effie and stare at everything in awe. There was so much food! The amount of food in there was enough to fill up the whole Seam for a week! And I'm not exaggerating. Peeta looked shocked too. I didn't want to be rude and run to the yummy-looking roasted turkey and gobble it all up, though. I stood there and looked at Effie and waited her to take a cookie from the large plate of desserts. I followed her lead and picked up a delicious chocolate cupcake. I sat down on the couch when Haymitch walked in. He was supposed to be our mentor, but from the looks of it, he isn't in that good of shape to mentor us. Haymitch is obviously drunk. I wanted to leave the room because I absolutely hate the smell you wine. But once again, I didn't want to be rude. I sat there quietly while Haymitch stumbled towards us. "Well well well. A little girl and a bakery boy. Just the right people to win the Hunger Games." Haymitch rudely said. I was insulted. Yes, I'm probably not the strongest when it comes to well, strength itself. But I'm really smart and can think of some ways out of tough situations of some sort. And Peeta looks strong. And he'll probably get lots of sponsors since he's handsome. "Just because we don't look capable of winning doesn't mean we won't win." I said. "Well, little girl. Good luck with that." Haymitch slurred back. "You could try to help us win. I mean, you were an underdog, too." Peeta calmly says. Peeta has one of those voices that is soothing and you can't help listen to. Maybe it'll get Haymitch to actually listen to us. "Hey, Bakery boy. Be quiet. You're talking too loud."Haymitch says. I think he's had too much of whatever he's drinking. It looks like Peeta's thinking the same thing. Peeta tries to take the drink from Haymitch's hand, but Haymitch is too quick and kicks poor Peeta in the face. "See what you did, boy? you got this stuff all over my brand new pants!" Haymitch practically yells at Peeta. Haymitch stands up and walks to the door to his room. Right before he gets to his room, the throws up on the spot. Peeta's still injured, but he gets up to help Haymitch. I get up too. This is going to be a very chaotic train ride, I think to myself.

I go to my room and lye down. I'm too tired to even change. Peeta told me to go sleep while he tries to help Haymitch with, well, everything. I feel bad for Peeta, I should've stayed to help, but too late now. I'm already drifting into sleep.

I wake up the next morning and walk out to the dining room for breakfast. I don't even bother changing into fresh clothes. Haymitch and Peeta are sitting there talking. I sit down next to Peeta. Haymitch looks better than yesterday. Peeta probably convinced him to stop drinking for a while so he can train us for the games. I get a biscuit and start eating. "Do you have any advice for us?" I silently ask. "Yes, stay alive." he answers back. "Oh." After a long silence, Peeta says, "What Prim meant was how do we stay alive." "Oh, well you find shelter. In a cave, possibly. Somewhere where you won't freeze to death." Haymitch simply replies. "What if I have fire." I ask. "Fire. Fire's a good way to get killed." Haymitch says. "How?" Peeta curiously asks. "Wow, you two are truly clueless, aren't you." Haymitch says, "Well you can either burn yourself to death, which is very unlikely, or the smoke will give your location." My mind pondered on that sentence for a while. After about five minutes of silence, I heard noise coming from outside the train. Peeta stood up and looked out of the train window. "Wow" he said, "it's beautiful!" I stood up too and saw the Capitol. It truly was beautiful. Tall buildings, fountains, food, and so many colors that my mind wasn't able to process everything at once. I had to stand on my tip-toes to be able to see anything. Peeta noticed and picked me up so I can see better. Wow, Peeta was strong. I then saw all the Capitol residents waving at us and I waved back, smiling. I could get used to this. But I can't. I'll be fighting to the death in an arena in just a few days. Peeta put me down when the train stopped. We went outside into the crazy, chaotic place they call The Capitol.

Hope you liked! No one has read this story so it's like I'm talking to myself :( . If no one reads this in a month, I won't update and if no one reads in two months, I will delete this story. And all of ya'll who are reading this, please vote and comment your suggestions.

forever alone-------------

I'm in the process of writing a book called the Killing and it's about three teens babysitting six kids and one by one the kids get killed my an unknown person. And also in the process of writing another one, it's called the puzzle piece. and that one is about a girl looking for her true love (not going to be too specific because if I do, I'll just be giving spoilers). I actually have an 'introduction' for the story here it is:

"We were given two hands to hold, two legs to walk, two eyes to see, two ears to listen, but why only one heart? Because the other one was given to someone else. For us to find."

I'm thinking of putting one of those stories on to Wattpad. Which one do you think I should put on here?

Thanks! Luv ya'll! bye!

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