Chapter 12

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Dean's POV
*about an hour after Cas had said he was going on a walk*
I stayed by the door. Where the hell is he? He should've been back a half an hour ago. He hasn't answered any of my texts or calls. I mean he's probably fine ,but I'd like a text back at least.
*another hour passes*
I'm freaking out. I don't know what to do. I'll go look for him. I went over to Sam "hey Sam I'm going to go find Cas ,come with?". He nodded quickly jumping up. We went out to the impala. I grabbed a gun ,and a demon knife from the trunk and I tossed a gun at Sam. We put our weapons in our coats so they aren't visible then we started walking in the direction Cas went. As we were walking I stepped on something. I looked and saw Cas' phone. It was shattered. Sam looked at me worryingly. I started thinking the worst. After four hours of looking for Cas we decided to go home. I was really uneasy. We went home and fell asleep. When we woke up I called the police and filed a missing persons report.

It's been a week. The cops haven't found anything. I've been crying myself to sleep every night. I just want him to come home.

It's been 2 months. I've started drinking more. Sam & I became obsessed with research trying to find him. Killing every monster in our way. Along the way I found a blade. It's called an angel blade. It kills angels and Demons. I got it on our last hunt. There was an angel named gadreel and a demon. I never knew Angels actually walked the earth. I think I'm going insane. I need my baby back.

It's been 6 months. Still no luck. The cops have given up. I haven't though. I can't give up on him. I need him.

It's been 8 months. I'm starting to think he's gone. gone. No stop thinking like that. He can't be. He's still so young. I miss him so damn much. I miss his touch. I miss his presence. I miss everything about him. It's been so lonely here without him. It's like there's a hole in my heart that can't be filled. I hate this.

It's been 11 months. I'm starting to give up. I can't do this. I don't want to exist without him.

Today marks one year. One fucking year. I've been sobbing all day. It hurts like hell. I decided to pray. What could it hurt right? "Please. If someone's listening. I really need some help right now. You see I have this boyfriend. He's been missing for a year. And I need him. I don't know where he is. His name is Castiel Novak. Please. Help me." I said feeling silly and sobbing. I stood up and turned around to see a strange man. "Who are you?" I asked. He was about 6 foot. Dark hair. Blue eyes ,like Cas. "My names Jake. " He answered. I looked at him confused hoping he'd elaborate as to how the hell he got in my house. He must've caught on cause he started talking again "I'm an angel. I heard you praying. I know Castiel.". I was in disbelief "H-how do you know him?" I asked. "About a year ago he started experiencing changes. Then Gabe kidnapped him and tortured him but with every cut ,his skin would just heal back up as if he hadn't been touched. So Gabe caught on. Castiel had no knowledge of it until 8 months ago ,but he's an angel. So is Gabriel and his other brothers. They tried keeping it from him but they couldn't. He has been in training. Learning everything in heaven. Of course he isn't dead don't worry ,just him & his family are angels. His dad is God." he said. I just looked at him trying to comprehend everything. "I want to see Castiel now." I said stubbornly. He nodded. "I will go get him ,I'll be back in five minutes tops" Jake said before he disappeared in thin air. He came back after a minute with Cas. Cas immediately hugged me tightly and I hugged back tighter. "I've missed you" I mumbled as a tear fell down my cheek. "I've missed you more ,I wanted to come back earlier but I couldn't cause I couldn't control my powers. I'll talk to you about everything tomorrow morning but I'm home baby ,I'm home." he replied. Jake had left. We didn't wanna let go of each other. I pulled away slightly and smashed my lips against his. He moved in sync with my lips. After a couple minutes I pulled away smiling. He was smiling the biggest smile I've ever seen him smile. He's so beautiful. "I'm never losing you again." he said in a low tone. I nodded "good ,I'm glad ,please don't ever leave me.". He shook his head "I won't baby ,I promise.". I smiled. We ended up standing there hugging ,his head resting on my shoulder ,for about ten minutes. Just holding each other. No one else around us. Nothing else distracting us. Just us being together as one again. I'm so happy I got my baby back. I pulled away "how about we get you out of that and into some comfy clothes ,yeah?" I said realizing he was wearing his suit with his trench coat. He nodded and I grabbed sweatpants and a black shirt out for him. I was already wearing gray sweatpants and a maroon v-neck. He got changed then we laid down and cuddled and watched some random movie on TV until we fell asleep holding each other. the last words I heard were "goodnight I love you babe" and the last words I said were "goodnight I love you too baby ,I'm never letting go.".

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