Chapter 1

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Anxiety, anticipation, and happiness. All of these emotions run through my tiny twelve year old body at once. It feels like it's been hours, days even, since we've arrived at the airport. My heart is racing and I can't sit still, so instead I pace. Thinking, waiting, eager to see him. My hands are shaking from excitement and palms sweaty from over-eagerness. I'm excited to finally see him. It's been almost two years since we've last talked. He's probably drastically changed, no doubt about that, but I know for a fact, he is still the brother I talked to two years ago.

"Shouldn't be too long now, Hun." My mother says while massaging my shoulders.

"Good." I reply, smile spreading on my face from ear to ear.

Five minutes pass, nothing.

Ten minutes, fifteen, twenty.

Finally, a voice echoes throughout the airport,

"Gate 13."

My brother's gate. My mom and I stand, preparing to greet my brother, as people file out of the gate.

I stand on my tiptoes, attempting to see over all the heads, but soon realize I can't bring myself to be tall enough, so instead I stand on the chair I recently was just sitting on. I see many unfamiliar faces until I see the one I recognize, standing proudly in that camo uniform.

"Aiden!" I shout his name from across the field of people. They stare as I push and shove through the bodies but I ignore them all. All that is visible is my brother, who is finally home.

He bends down on one knee, arms outstretched wide, prepared for my hug. Our bodies slam together. He lets out a soft groan as I laugh and cry simultaneously. My emotions seem to all jump out at once as if I've been cast in some dramatic movie. I pull away and I see his cheeks are glittering from tears.

"Eri, I've missed you so much!" He says as he places a kiss on my forehead.

I pull him in to another hug,

"I've missed you too. I'm glad you're back"

As I pull out of the hug, he grabs me and places me on his back. We make our way towards mom, who was waiting right by the seating area. He sets me down and looks at mom, who is crying and smiling at him. He kisses her on the cheek,

"Hi, mom," He says. "I've missed you."

She hugs him and kisses his cheek as well.

"Welcome back." She manages to choke out.

I tug on his sleeve,

"Let's go get your bags so you can see dad." I say

"Good idea, Eri."

I grab hold of his hand and we make our way to the baggage claim.

My brother is finally home.


Aiden- pronounced "I-Den"

This story is sort of based off of what I am going through with my brother. Trust me though, as it goes on, that's all defiantly not going on between my family. I hope it never does to be honest. Thank you for reading though! Updates won't be totally frequent as I am mostly either busy or lazy. xD P.S: Sorry the first chapter is so short!

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