Chapter 6 : Unexplainable feeling

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As I lay in bed that night my mind wouldn't lay off that Photoshot.

Does Chaerin have such a problem with me that she needs to keep a eye on me 24/7?

I mean it's not normal to stalk someone and call it friendly...

Could it be that...she's infatuated? My eyes roll repulsively, i'm being ridiculous that cannot be the reason Chaerin is stalking me.

Yet I still lay awake not feeling the least bit tired,
I grab my pillow from under my head, "uhhhh..." I press my face into it and groan miserably.

If Chaerin returns to work tomorrow I don't know how to face her, it will be sooo awkward carrying all that burdened knowledge i'd rather call in sick..
Awww but then Antonio would find out and worry about me, he'd wait on me hand and foot.

Finally i let out a big sigh and turn over on my side, The only thing I can do now is wait and see what horror or delight tomorrow brings me.

Participating in my morning routine of Coffee - Filed paperwork - Chaerin's office.
It seemed simple enough but a useless amount of worry leaves me sick to my stomach.

Rather than taking the lift i decide on taking the back breaking stairs, it will give me some time to think.

All too soon I come to the top of the staircase and across from there is the office, my heart beat echoes against my body.

I prepare to knock on the door when I am interrupted, " Miss Park! I wouldn't do that If i were you, can't you read the sign."
Mrs Naver rushes to my side and gives me a stern look, i follow her gaze to a printed sign on the door, - No unauthorized personal beyond this area -

" What is this, men in black?" I laugh. Mrs Naver remains glaring at me she doesn't seem the least bit amused.

" Miss Lee has not returned thus you may not enter." She states.

" But I am her personal assistant," I say referring to my name badge.

" Congratulations and i'm Beyoncé," She says sarcastically and rushes off down the stairs.

I look away from her, completely gutted. What on earth made her so uptight?

Left to my own devices I decide to ignore Naver and persist walking through those doors,
My eyes are of witness to a scene of mass destruction, Paper for miles, scattered all over the floor, draws from the filing cabinet look as if they've been chucked aggressively across the room, What on earth happened here?

I bend down to pick up a documented paper,
"Resignation" It reads in bold letters.
I'm directed to an acute sound of sniffling, I turn to listen, it's coming from the end faculty bathroom. Without recognition i slowly walk towards the sound, like a damsel walking towards the sights of a murderer in a horror movie.

Around the corner I see piles of dampened tissues, then to my utmost shock, Chaerin is lying there, pressed up against the sink. She looks dreadful and her make up is deteriorating.

She sobs quietly resenting eye contact with me, " Miss Lee? Uh, Chaerin?" I kneel down beside her and shake her shoulder.
She shrugs my hand off,
" Chaerin Please," I say, " Let me help you."
She finally looks at me through tangled strands of hair, her eyes scream the words ' help me '.

" What happened here?" I ask while picking up tissues,
Chaerin laughs in doubt, " Why should I tell you?"

" Because I am your assistant, that is what I am here for." I say

" My god damn father.." Chaerin spits furiously.
"What?" I question.

" He's ruining me.." She slides further down the edge of the sink, I rush to support her posture, but it's too late she's passed out.

Chaerin is now fast alseep on the couch, I clean up the mess in the bathroom and then proceed with the mess in the office.

I once again come across the resignation paper, it hasn't been signed yet..I look up towards Chaerin, her head is curled up on the edge of the suite. Maybe this is what her father had been talking to her about, does he want her to quit?

Loud sniffles and groans come from chaerin's position, she reacts as if she's having a nightmare.
I ponder to her side and sit on the couch, i try to settle her down, suddenly she jolts awake, facing upwards towards me.

I move back slightly unsure of what she might do. " Please, I don't want to do this anymore I can't do this.." Chaerin begs desperately and then leans into my chest for support.
" Chaerin, what? I don't understand.." I stutter.
" I cannot stay here any longer, this place, it's not who i am.."
Chaerin sniffles.
I nod slowly, " Is your father worrying you?" I ask.

" My father?! He doesn't care about me, all he wants is his stupid business to be run so that he earns some dough.."

"Now that can't be all true can it?"

" I speak the truth, therefore I am going to resign from Ciel Luxury but I need your help Sandara."
She looks into my eyes longingly.
I cannot help but feel an ache of pity in my heart for her. So i slowly put my arms around her in comfort, from now on I'm the only friend she's got.

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