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My name is Charlotte Porters. I'm 17, about to start my senior year of High School. I go to SouthFall High; which in my opinion, is the worst school I could've possibly gone to. All the girls dress like total sluts and the guys just think they're hot shit.

I mostly focus on school, I don't have another choice anyway. My parents are crazy strict and expect me to be this perfect angel. They always compare me to my younger brother, Luis. He's in the 11th grade and just turned 16 last month in July. He's the dream child, always having straight A's and still managing to have a social life. My parents give him everything he wants and it honestly doesn't bother me anymore because I know I'm never going to be like him.

Anyways, summer is already over and I'm starting school tomorrow. I'm not excited at all, mostly because everyone's fake and I'm so done with relationships. I'm not looking forward to senior year.

I'm just here laying on my Lavender colored sheets that my grandma bought me for my birthday, texting my best friend Angelica. We've known each other since the 4th grade and I love her to death! We have so much in common and not necessarily the best things though.

We both lost out virginity summer of 10th grade to guys we didn't care for at all and to this day we still laugh about it. I never really took loosing my virginity as a big thing because I'm not much of a believer in "love" especially at this age. We just fuck. There's no such thing as making love, in my opinion.

As I say goodnight to Angelica and turn off my lights I pull out my bowl and smoke a little bit of some purple kush I had left. My parents know I smoke and finally accepted it after being caught hundreds of times and I know I shouldn't be because it hurts them but I just love watching the weed burn slowly and seeing the wisps of smoke float away. I turn my fan on, which took me a while to find the button because of how stoned I was, and laid back in my bed. I instantly fell asleep.

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