Chapter 1: The First Day

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"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP," ringed the small, rounded alarm clock on my night stand. "Oh just shut the fuck up," I pleaded as I slammed the snooze button with my palm. I slowly get up and slide on my cheetah patterned fuzzy slippers and head down stairs. My mother was waiting at the table for me with homemade pancakes she made. "Not hungry," I say. She glares at me with disappointment and replies, "I made these and they took me time, eat them. They're not going to eat themselves and I'm surely not throwing away perfectly fine pancakes for no reason." Out of pity, I grabbed the plate and began eating.

"You excited?," questioned my mother. I gave her a plain look and nodded my head violently to assure a strong "no." Suddenly I hear my brother's loud and disruptive steps down the stairs and greets me with a "Hey bitch."

I grab a crumb of bread laying on the table, looked to see my mom wasn't looking, and threw it at him. "Mom! Charlotte threw bread at me!," he wined, just to piss me off. "Are you gonna go cry now pussy?," I ask as I give him a hard stare and pick up my plate. "Hey! Stop it and go get ready, it won't look to good to be late on the first day!," mother yelled. I placed my plate in the sink and raced up the stairs.

I'm standing in front of my mirror with fresh breath after just brushing my teeth. I stared at my messy, dark brown hair thinking of what possible way I'm going to tame my hair. I grab my hair brush and attempt to brush it but instead it just got stuck. "Fine I'm just gonna wet my hair and gel it, it's the easiest thing to do," I say to myself. I grab my hair and bent over the sink. As soon as it was completely soaked, I gel'd the tips to give it a wet and curly look. From the corner of my eye I saw that the clock read "6:30." "Crap! I have so much to do in only half an hour," I protested in my head.

Quickly, I wiggled my tight pants up and as I finally reached the top I gave a slight squeal. I could barely walk, it feels like I'm being constricted by own my pants. After putting on my white polo and white converse all I needed was makeup. I only had 5 minutes left so I decided to just go with a natural look and only apply concealer.

I knock loudly on my brothers door, "You done?," I ask. "Yeah, go to the car already, I'll be down right now," he replied. "Your wish is my command," I say sarcastically. I walk down the stairs, holding on to the railing. Out of the garage appeared my dad "Hey hun, you look great," he complimented. "Thanks," I say as I give him a slight smile and get in the car. Luis follows after me and soon enough we were on our way.

I can see the enormous letters that read "SouthFall Senior High." I don't know why I was feeling so nervous for today if I've been here for the past 3 years. Maybe it was the fact that it's the big senior year. As my dad approaches the end of the drop-off line, Luis and I exit the car. Suddenly all I see is a flash of concrete. I didn't notice the ledge on the floor and busted my ass. "Ha, sucks to suck, Porter!," yelled a short blonde haired, blue eyed guy which I then recognized. He was known as "Little Willie." I got in a huge fight with him last year over how to properly bake a brownie in culinary class. He's so annoying I can't stand it.

Fortunately, no one but Willie saw my embarrassing fall so I didn't even bother fighting back. I looked down at the floor once again to make sure there were no other surprising ledges. As I walked into school, I waited in line to receive my homeroom. In back of me showed up my weed connect, Jonathan Barsh. "Hey gorgeous!," he greeted as he winked. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and prayed that he didn't see me blush. Instantly, I noticed that his eyes were bloodshot red. "You're the idiot that would come high the first day," I said as I rolled my eyes. He giggled and looked down so no one else would notice his super obvious eyes. "Next!," shouted the black woman at the counter. I walked up to her and gave her my first and last name. "Hm, Charlotte Porter... Aha! Room 1205, Mr. Marshall." I thank her and start heading to my homeroom when suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn around.

Wow. It was Jason Myers. The star quarterback that every female in existence wants in their pants. He has shiny, golden blonde hair and these crystal blue eyes that put me in a trance by just gazing at them.

My face froze and I felt like every muscle in my body shut down. I notice his pearly white teeth and perfect plump lips as he smiles at me. "Hey, I looked at your paper and noticed we have the same homeroom, I'll walk you if you want?," he offered. "Uh-um," I stuttered, still frozen. He waived his hand in front of my face almost like to wake me up. I finally snapped out of it and as I reply a shy "sure" I feel my best friend Angelica tug my arm and pull me away. "Sorry!," I yelled to him as I got pulled further and further away from him.

"What are you doing?!," I yell at her. "No, what are you doing?" She asks. "Did you not see who I was talking to?!," I yelled. "Yeah that recycled bastard," she replied. Angelica and Jason have a huge past. They dated for a year and later broke up because she found out he cheated on her countless times and showed her nudes to all his "homeboys." "I don't know what you see in him anyways," she said in disgust. I look at her with wide eyes and reply, "He's hot as fuck, I'd do anything to get a taste of him, yum." "Oh my god, you're gross Charlotte," she says distastefully. "Well girl, I gotta get to class and we're on separate buildings. Catch ya later," I say. "Love you!," she shouts as she walks away. "Me too!," I shout back.

"Ding, Ding, Ding." I hear the bell ring as I sit on my chair. I see Jason give me an irresistible smile from the corner of the room and I smile back. "Looks like we already have lovebirds on the first day!," announced Mr. Marshall while staring at us both. I couldn't help but slouch back on my chair in utter embarrassment. "Yeah that's my girlfriend," Jason said as he winked at me. "I'm not you girlfriend," I reply quickly. I made it seem like I wasn't amused by his comment whatsoever but on the inside I was melting.

"Okay, enough. My name is Mr. Marshall and I'll be your homeroom teacher this year," he announced. "No shit!," shouted this black kid from the corner of the room. "Wow we have lovebirds and a class clown already, on the the first day! How about you serve a detention on the first day too after school?," he offered sarcastically. "No thank you sir," replied the kid. Mr. Marshall continued, "Anyways, my rules are simple. No gum, or cell phones." "Lastly," he said as he pointed to a poster on the wall, "there's an absolute zero-tolerance for misbehavior. That's all, carry on," he finished.

I looked around the room and noticed I didn't know anyone here other than Jason so I stayed in my seat and quietly began reading my book. Suddenly, Jason stands up from his chair and sits next to me. "Whatcha reading?," he asks. "It's stupid, it's one of those teen fictions," I reply as I swallow hard. "That's cute," he says as he grabs the book away from my hand. I felt him slightly touch me when he grabbed the book and I tried to hide my excitement. "How is that cute?," I question him. "I don't know, everything you do is cute," he chuckled. I didn't say anything I just looked down and blushed. "What are you doing after school?," he asked. "Just buying some more weed," I mumbled. He then chuckled and looked at me with a puppy dog face, "Come over my house, we'll watch a movie, I don't wanna be lonely today," he implored. My heart raced. I couldn't hold in my excitement "Yes!," I blurted. The bell rang. "Alright cutie, see you after school then," he said as he kissed me on the cheek.

My stomach turned. As much as I wanted to tell the world that I got invited over to Jason's house, I couldn't because I didn't want Angelica finding out. The only thing on my mind the whole day was what was going to happen after school. My curiosity was eating me alive. Soon enough after a long day, the dismissal bell rang and I made my way out of last period.

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