Part 1

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Zoë's Pov
grabbed my last cymbal and my stick bag and ran to the tour bus. Shelby was tuning her guitars and Liz was putting new strings on her bass. I tuned my drums last night so I didn't need to do anything. Our driver hopped on the bus and closed the doors. We started moving, on our way to warped. Finally, we got a slot! After the instruments were managed we all sat looking out the window of the bus. Shelby looked at me and smiled. "We might find some hot dudes." I looked at her. "Yea, maybe" I said looking back at her. I got up and grabbed a coke from the fridge. I opened it and chugged it down then threw the can on the ground. "Zoë, did you remember the microphone?" Liz asked. I looked around nervously. "No." I said sadly. "It's fine, they have microphones." Liz said remembering that there was no need for a microphone. I sat down and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I put my ear buds in my ears and turned on Asking Alexandria. Shelby threw an empty coca cola can at me. I unplugged one of my ear buds and looked over. "What." I said rolling my eyes angrily. "Wanna play mortal kombat?"she asked. "Fine." I replied. We turned on the console and the TV and grabbed our remotes. Liz sat next to Shelby and watched us play. Shelby got a flawless victory. "DAMMIT!" I yelled laughing. I almost beat her the next round. After about 20 rounds I got bored. Liz had gone to bed and Shelby was yawning. "I'm going to bed." Shelby said. I nodded my head. I walked into the bathroom and washed the makeup off of my face I had applied earlier this morning. I walked toward the driver. "Are we stopping here?" I asked. The driver nodded. The driver walked to her bunk and fell right asleep. I walked outside with my phone. I saw pierce the veils bus not far from ours. That's when I saw Tony walk out of their bus. I automatically opened my phone to an addicting game that I promised not to play for a while. Tony was just as awkward as I was walking over to our bus. As he got closer my heart raced. My stomach was going crazy and I was getting light headed. He walked up to me and awkwardly smiled. "Hi, I'm uh Yea I was uh wondering if you have any taco sauce. I looked up and nervously walked inside and grabbed taco sauce from the fridge. I knew how this game worked. I put milk in it and red food coloring so it looked as if the milk wasn't in it. I handed it to Tony. "Thanks." He said smiling trying to hold a laugh. I nodded my head and went back inside. It was 6 in the morning by the time I fell asleep on the couch watching supernatural. I was awoken by Shelby REEEEEING. I jumped up and put my glasses on my face. "We play tomorrow in vegas." Shelby said. "Ok." I said. The bus was moving. "We got 30 more miles." The driver yelled. "Ok!" Liz yelled back. I walked to the bathroom after I grabbed skinny jeans, a muscle shirt, and other clothing items the feminine figure would require. I took and shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth and hair, straightened my hair, and did my makeup. I walked out. I noticed Liz and Shelby had taken showers earlier due to the shine their hair contained. "10 MILES!" The driver yelled. I looked around nervously as I sat down on the couch. "What's up?" Shelby asked when she saw the fear in my eyes. "Well uh I, Tony I ran into Tony last night." I said. "Ok." Shelby said. "Not even gonna ask." She said. "who's hungry?" Liz asked. "ME!" Shelby yelled happily. "I'm fine." I said not feeling hungry. Liz began making spaghetti. "SPAGHETTI!" Shelby screamed. I opened my phone to find it was 4 in the afternoon. I'd been asleep all day I got a text from our tour manager who told us where to park the bus. I ran to the driver and showed her the text. She nodded and took a turn. We arrived after 10 minutes of driving. I hopped out of the bus after Liz and Shelby. The driver went and laid down. Shelby walked to ptv's bus so I followed her. Shelby stared directly at mike. "So hot." She said as she saw him smoking. I just stood their awkwardly nodding my head. Liz walked over to Falling in reverses bus to say hi to the guys. Shelby walked up to Mike with me right behind her. "Hi." Shelby said smiling. "Hi!" Mike said. I ran to the bus when I saw Tony walk out. I ran to my bunk, slid inside and laid down, trying to calm down. I don't know why I'm so scared of him. He didn't seem aggressive or rude. I put the thoughts away and fell asleep, crying. I awoke around 8 in the morning. "We play left foot at 5." Shelby said as she yanked me out of bed. "Get ready, your drums are set up already." Shelby said. I put a sleeveless leather jacket on, grabbed my phone, and walked out after Shelby and liz. We ran to the left foot and got warming up by playing one of the songs from our first album we ever wrote. Once we got a few songs down we knew we were ready. Liz did vocal warm ups just to make sure her voice was ready. At 5 we ran on stage. Shelby played an insane guitar solo and I played a seriously good drum solo. Liz began screaming intensely and playing her bass. Then it ended up going into one of our songs which was part of the lineup. After about an hour on stage we went to our signing tent and met fans. After about a few hours of that we went back to the bus and were on our way to Virginia. We did the same thing at virginia. After plenty of dates passed the last one came along. For some reason we were playing on move able stages. And the stages were very close to each other too. Shelby looked over at me. "Why are the stages so close?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders. We walked on stage when vic said through a microphone "I think it's time we see who's the BEST band!" I looked at shelby. We were in a battle. A battle of the bands. I got really anxious. My hands shool and my stomach twisted. My eyes began to water. I refused to cry. I sucked it up and sat in my drum throne. Pierce the veil played first. Then the relapse symphony came in. Falling in reverse played then we did. Shelby wasn't sounding her best. I wondered why. By the time the battle was over the winner was announced. People voted on phones and chose their favourite performance. After the votes were counted. The speakers told the winner

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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