Peridot X gem!reader X Lapis

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(A/N: this takes place after Amethyst reforms in the episode 'Crack the whip.' So if you're not caught up, DON'T READ THIS. You have been warned ❤️)

Today, you decided to visit the barn.

It's not like you had anything else to do since the Crystal Gems are searching for Jasper, after Lapis unfused with her. You would be searching with them, but Garnet suggested you stay in Beach City. You would've argued, but knowing Garnet, she knew what was right; She did have her future vision after all.

You were rather bored with the other humans around Beach City and didn't like staying in the temple real long, so you decided to visit two of your best friends: Lapis and Peridot.

You have known them for a while now that you considered them both really close friends. Even though both friendships started a little rough, it was well worth it.

Lapis was someone that you felt you could vent your feelings to and she would understand it all. She wasn't familiar with human customs, so she tried the best to her ability to understand what you would vent to her.

She would vent to you as well. She would talk in great detail of her feelings being fused as Malachite while you sat there to comfort her at the darkest moments. The emotions you would share were strong that they created your friendship.

Peridot didn't really talk about her feelings, but she somewhat understood the human customs you were used to. You would watch TV together, watching many kinds of movies. Mostly Camp Dining Hearts.

Letting a sigh escape your lips, your eyes wander towards your hands.

Sadly, you were also worried about them. Last time you saw those two, they did not get along well. Lapis didn't like Peridot because of what she did in her. Peridot wanted her friendship.

It was understandable since Peridot captured Lapis so they could have information on the Crystal Gems. You knew how Lapis felt about the whole ordeal; you've talked to her about it plenty of times.

Peridot on the other hand, deserved the right to have a second chance. Peridot didn't think what she was doing was bad. That was what she had been taught to do. You watched Peridot change from some scary gem that had been trying to kill you to a sweet little dorito.

You could see both sides could be justified, but they had to work it on their own.

Now that you have a free moment, you could finally visit them!

Upon arriving, your mouth went slightly agape. Last time you saw these two, the barn was still wrecked from Peridot using her robot. Now, it looked like a completely different place.

The huge hole that Peridot made on the barn was now covered by a water tank to make make-shift aquarium. Tubes coming out of the water tank connected with a small hole in the front to make a small pool. On the roof, a clothes line hanged attaching to the water tank to the decoration made on the roof. Pieces of bicycle stuck out of the ground on one side of the barn, a tent with a flag from Camp Dining Hearts on the other. In the middle of the barn, you saw where the car had been pushed in to make a little sitting area for both gems to watch their show. For finishing touches, they added an umbrella to hang on the car.

'Neither of them seem to be outside. Maybe they are inside the barn!'

Getting closer to the barn, you start to hear a two voices: one soft one and a loud, more squeaky voice. Wanting to hear more of the conversation, you eased closer to the barn door.

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