C H A P T E R 002: Pompadour Boy vs Marine Biologist

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"You were watching weren't you?" he questioned, his tone not changing at all.
'The jig is up,' I thought, sighing.
"I'm a photographer," I said in truth, lifting up my camera. My index finger on a free hand pointed towards it. He nodded and put his arm back to his side. Being relieved that he accepted my white lie, I noticed a boy right next to us. He was short. Definitely short.
"Uhhh...," he trailed off awkwardly, scratching the back of his head with his cheeks decorated with a tint of pink as I stared at him. Clearing my throat, I slowly glanced away awkwardly. A silence was built between us, until—
"Hey Senior... What did you say about my hair?" Josuke inquired menacingly.
His sudden change in attitude made me build a rather.... uncomfortable vibe towards him. I knew something was about to go down, so I found myself staying. The whole scene here got my attention. I don't think I should leave.
My eyes widened at what happened next.
A fist of a 'manisfestation', a 'ghost' appeared and collided with the senior's face. Ruining it, as if it wasn't ugly enough. These people aren't exactly normal. That's what I've processed so far.
In fact,
...they're exactly like me.
I guess Keicho didn't just tell me to be his bloodhound for nothing. He did specifically ask to find Josuke, after all. I shivered a bit.
What if my stand wasn't strong enough?
What if I can't stand (no pun intended ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) against their power?
Shaking my head, I tried getting rid of my fearful thoughts and focus on what was happening. Once I looked again, the bully's nose was deformed into an abnormal shape. There was no more blood, no more flying teeth.
Maybe this guy is a healer?
As the rest of the group ran away, they left the dude with what looked like a bad nose job behind. Poor guy.
"Hmm... So he's the one... Related to the old man... Looks like I found the guy I was looking for!" exclaimed said man with the white jacket. I flinched when Josuke looked towards us and backed away a bit. Confusingly, I raised an eyebrow. What's he talking about? He's looking for Josuke too? Maybe he's another spy for Keicho I never heard about....
I'd ask, but it's better to keep down on a low profile in case he wasn't. Shutting up, I just stared at them like they were crazy. I could tell the boy right next to me was frightful as well.
"What are you lookin' at?" Josuke glared.
I tried to avoid looking at Josuke as much as I could, glancing at the short boy once again. He seemed to be lost in thought. An awkward silence grew between us like before, but I didn't feel the need to say something.
"HOLY SHIT!" I heard Josuke. I jumped, and so did shorty.
"...geez that turtle again," I heard him mumble. He's like a... superman, yet he's afraid of turtles? Suddenly, the man with the white coat started rambling his personal information. This guy must be crazy. I didn't really pay attention to anything he had spouted out for privacy reasons, until he said 'nephew'.
That's one way to get a family back together.
Wait... He's Josuke's nephew?!
Josuke seemed a bit shocked, but he gave the most calmest expression ever. What if he was lying? Well, my main concern is that his nephew looks around 30, while Josuke is just a 14 year old. I guess it's not impossible... Just a little rare, I suppose.
After the boy apologized for what it seemed like 50 times, his fangirls just marched their way in. 'Just great,' I thought with a sigh. Twitching again, I caught a glimpse... or a vision, rather, of Yuri against the tree. Her hand is nervously resting on her neck and she's gazing at Josuke as if he were some kind of angel. With another glance, she disappeared. I think I'm going crazy.
"Hey, Josuke, Can I call you Josuke? We aren't finished here. Could you all leave us alone?" I heard the hair-blending hat man in the background over all the obsessive fangirls crowding Josuke, still staring at the tree for some odd reason.
"... You can talk about his stupid hair later."
That's where I jumped and snapped back to reality. He did not just say what I think he said, right? All the girls backed away in panic and gave him warnings about the hair insults. My legs backed away a few inches on their own and my arm defensively went in front of the short boy. The grip on my bag became more tight.
I definitely remembered what the diary said for sure.
Diary Entry #17
'I saw Josuke get mad today... He's actually pretty scary! > ~ <
He snapped when some guy said a hair insult...
According to a group of girls I overheard, he hates it when people make fun of his hairstyle.
I guess I learn something new everyday!"
(I want to kill myself for writing this. You are welcome.)
Oh no Spaghetti O's (I had to say that somewhere ;u;).
"Josuke hates people who insult his hair! Just like before..," said shorty in fear.
"... Yeah," I replied unintentionally.
Soon enough, Josuke's stand was about to appear as Mr. Hat Hair man showed his. Like uncle, like nephew? His stand seemed a bit more stronger, though. Which is what spooked me the most.
"Do you see this Josuke? This is a stand. Joseph has one too. Only those who have a stand can see other stands. You've had this ability since you were four years old," explained hat man in a calm voice. Catching a glimpse of my stand peaking its own blue hand through my green uniform sleeve, I tried breathing in and out normally to calm myself down. 'Yuri wouldn't want me to freak out like this,' I thought.
Looking back to see what happened next, Josuke fell back with blood pouring out of his mouth. His legs still pulled him back up, though. Wiping the blood out of his mouth, he smirked and rambled about offending his awesome hair once again.
I saw his stand almost beating the living shit out of hat man's own. His stand was quick enough to block all of Josuke's attacks. The fists of Josuke's stand only showed up as flashes of extremely fast light. It's strange, but actually cool.
After many hits, the man with the coat was finally punched in the chest, but it didn't affect him as much. It seems. The punch seemed to have affected his hat as it began to fix back together as if time went backwards. Though the man's face was shocked, he didn't react too much. The hat... Deformed a lot. You couldn't even tell that the heart was there before. Maybe the J, but definitely not the heart.
I could tell everyone around me was shocked. They all made a fuss about thewhole situation that just had occurred, but you can't really blame them. It's not something you see in ordinary life. For them, it's probably just two buff guys having a staring contest and bleeding out of nowhere. I unintentionally chuckled at my joke, but it wasn't too audible to the others.
Suddenly, hat man went for a punch directly on the face as Josuke fell back in pain. "OH MY GOD!" a girl screamed. The hat guy's face became so annoyed that he yelled back at her himself.
The girl just casually agreed as if it were nothing. After that, the hat man randomly pulled out a picture from his pocket. I couldn't make out what it was, but I caught a glimpse of blue. As all the fangirls left, only shorty, hat man, Josuke, and I remained. Seeing the photograph as I walked closer, I saw a man with what seemed like a stand behind him. His face was sinister and his stand was definitely gave me the spooks.
"Grandpa wanted to take a picture of you to see what you looked like. But, he appeared instead. I don't understand why. Well, I have no idea whether or not this has something to do with you. But, just so you know... I think you should be careful," he explained and gave him a warning. The man stared back at us and a little tingle went through my back.
"Koichi..," he went on. I'm assuming he's referring to the short one next to me. He took one glance directly at me next, which I sorta jumped to.
"And you.... You're probably confused right now, but if you see him... Just stay away, alright? He's really dangerous and even calling the police won't save you," he warned us once again, "I will stay here at a hotel, until I get my hands on him."
With that, he left and said he'd see us tomorrow for who knows what.
Well, that concludes my strange morning. Let's just hope the afternoon doesn't get any worse.
[A/N: Holy shit this is long *-* Almost up to 2000 words! Anyway, I hope you like this! Peace! I also just realized how weird this might be. The list is like not in order if you can tell. I have this craze where I make a hundred drafts before updating. And as you know, I turned what was supposed to be the first chapter into a pilot so yee]

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