Chapter 14- Decisions

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It's been two weeks ever since we moved into Micas house. Yes, we did our jobs and I didn't write any songs cause I've been so busy from homework. But these days had been changing. And it's starting to get on my nerves. It's that Mica had been hanging out with Karen more, sometimes I will see them at the park on the swings. Sometimes, Karen will come over and hang out in Micas room with him. They even do all that disgusting friendship thing in front of me.

So let me tell you everything that has changed. Mica doesn't sleep with me anymore, he takes up the whole bed so I sleep on the couch. Mica didn't even start watching the movie A Walk To Remember with me, he doesn't write any songs anymore and he's failing classes now. It's like Karen has turned him into some bad boy from all of her evilness from middle school they had back then.

Mica now doesn't talk to me and I say all that to his sisters, even his brother! Two days ago, I told his mother and she noticed to that he's not taking to me anymore. I guess I was just a person in his life that I was the only way to cheer him up after his Karen situation. And now I hate him more. How can all this happen so quick! Now I want to write a hate song just for this boy!

So, I decided to live with Paloma or Zulieka. Well, I didn't yet but I'm choosing. I didn't even discussed it with them. Right now I'm just sitting on the couch, starring at the shut off tele in silence. I would go get ready but Mica is down there sleeping and all my clothes are down there. Except some dirty clothes from the bathroom I left last night. I get up from the couch and dig into the unwashed clothes in the basket, and finally I found a grey t-shirt and black jeans.

I went into the shower, dried my hair and tried to style it. But I just end up ripping off the hair tie and grunting. "Damn it!" I hissed. I turned around to get out of the bathroom, when a figure stood there and I knew it was Mica. He starred at me like if I was stranger. So to ignore him, I pushed him out of the way and hissed again, "Move."

I walked into the park and found the tree right away. The carvings said all those nice things of me and him. But the more I read, the more I feel angry. I picked up the stick and carved lines across the little comments on the tree. All the lies and I dropped the stick and realized what I had just done.

The comments on them saying how much he misses me and if he didn't use me for happiness, then he wouldn't write so much of this saying he misses me and that how much he cried when he was little. But he was just little. He's nineteen now and doesn't need me anymore. I made my decision and I'm serious, I'm going to move out. Maybe back to the dorm all by myself.

I walked back to the house without any regrets, hoping Mica wouldn't be there. I opened the door and walked in, locking the door behind me. Fortuné was up, watching cartoons on the tele, he looked up from the tele and greeted me with a smile. I said good morning and went into the kitchen, to make myself cereal.

Fortuné walked in and set his bowl down.

"Emily?" He said, sounding a little sad.

"Yes, Fortuné?" I asked, pouring the cereal into the bowl.

"Your not gonna leave us, are you? Just because of Mica?"

I sighed at that name and put the cereal box away on top of the fridge and looked at Fortuné, his innocent eyes looking at mine that looked the same as Mica.

"Maybe. Mica is now liking Karen and she's changed him. He's failing his classes and I want to help him but the way he's acting right now is not acceptable. I can't deal with him now." I said, pouring in the milk and putting it back to the fridge. I sat down at the kitchen table across from Fortuné and began eating, when I feel that he was starring at me.

I waited for him to say something, but continued in silence. I felt like saying something to but I only knew that I was gonna talk crap about his brother. I don't feel like says his name right now.

"I want you to stay. Your like a another sister for me, because Yasmine is always doing homework and study, my other two sisters are living in their own homes right now and Mica now things I don't exist. I feel like your the only choice I have right now to hang out with." He said. All of those things he said effect me a lot, I didn't think I mean that much to him.

"Just please stay. We need you." I smiled lightly at his sentence. I sighed and decided right away that I shouldn't leave them. There like my family for now.

"Fine. Just a little longer." I say. He smiled brightly and then finished his breakfast. I finished mine and brought it to the dishes. Then me and him started to clean them and then walked all the way to the park to play.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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