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Dedicated to xLeia_Organax

Harper P.O.V

"Mother, mother wake up." the twins say. I just turn over. Im so tired.
"Mother please wake up." I finally sit up and look at the twins. I pick them up and sit them on their bed. I give them both medicine and make sure they drink it.
"Where is everyone boys?" I ask noticing how quiet it was.
"Peter took them out." they one says.(I looked them up. The only names they have is the twins and twin one and twin two.)
"Why didn't you give with them? Are you not feeling well?" I say turning around. They run to me.
"They said we're to little." they cry into my dress. I sit down and think.
"Maybe you need a birthday." I suggest. The boys start to cheer. I'll make a cake. Make decorations. Get them something special. This is perfect.

The twins help me find things for the cake. We are having a banana and coconut cake. Once the cake is in the oven(don't question it.)
I sew them both stuffed bears. I make decorations out of leaves. I decided to make chicken and potatoes with the cake.

Hours later

"Harper what's with all the decorations?" Peter ask.
"The twins are having a birthday. So that way next time you go they can go too." I answer. Peter nods
"Did you get them a present?" I ask. Peter looks around and nods.
"I left at outside." he runs outside. I just roll my eyes and giggle

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