Chapter 2: Meeting the Bros

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I woke up this morning thinking about the night before. It just didn't seem real. I would have never thought Marzia would do something like that. And that kiss. Did Felix really mean to kiss me? Did it mean anything to him? Did it mean anything to me? I was interrupted by a knock at the door, making me jump.

"Oh sorry did I scare you?" I saw Felix standing in the doorway trying to hold back his laughter from the face I made.

"No, no, no... Its fine, I'm fine, you're fine, wait what?" I said quickly, not filtering what was coming out of my mouth.

"Alright Miss.Smooth Words," Felix joked "come downstairs, I made us some breakfast. Oh and put on some clothes, you work at a coffee shop not a strip club" he said laughing, starting to head out the door.

I looked down at myself seeing that I was only wearing a tank-top and underwear.

"Heh heh..." I said pulling up the covers. He turned away and walked down the stairs.


I got up, put on some yoga pant, and said headed down the stairs. I could already smell the bacon and waffles. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I could see Felix setting up our plates at the table.

"Man that smells delicious." I said trying to break the silence.

"Hopefully it tastes as good as it smells, I'm not the best at cooking."

"I'll be the judge of that." I giggled.

We both sat down at the table and I cut off a piece of my waffle to eat. I took one bite and instantly fell in love.

"Holy shit." I mumbled with food in my mouth.

"Is it that bad?" Felix questioned.

"Its freaking amazing!" I said swallowing.

"Well there's plenty more where that came from." He said with a big smile on his face.

After we had finished eating, I asked if Felix wanted to play some video games.

"I'm really sorry (y/n), I would love to but I have to make another video for the bros." He said. He saw the disappointment in my face and came up with an idea. "Hey why don't you be in my video with me. We could play Mario Cart or Just Dance or do a challenge- *gasp* We could do the whisper challenge!" He said with excitement.

"Sure that sounds like a lot of fun! You sure the bros wont find me boring?"

"Nah you're anything but boring. And even if they do think that, they can suck it up for one episode and deal with it."

We head into Felix' s office and start up the video.

"Ha-ha hows it goin' bros? My name is PEWWWWWWDIEPIEEEEEEE and today I'm here with, the lovely, the beautiful... me. Haha I'm just kidding. I have found a rare species lurking in a coffee shop in California. I call it the '(y/n)'. Now you have to be careful around it because anything could set it off into a complete rampage. Luckily, me being genius Poods, I have caught one and brought it back here safely. Get in here (y/n)." He said waving me in. "Today we're going to be doing the whisper challenge." Felix grabbed his headphones and gave them to me to put on. He turned up the music almost to full blast to the point where you could hear the music clearly from the outside.

"Okay first word bros." He turned to me and said something weird and I tried my best to say what I thought it was.

"Fuck you?" I asked practically yelling. He just laughed and said the word again.

"You ate poo?" I yelled "what the fuck are you saying to me?" I laughed. He pulled off the headphones to tell me what the word was.

"It was vacuum you idiot." He said laughing.

We played for about another 15 minutes before we closed it off with the legendary Brofist. After 2 hours of editing, Felix was finished and wanted to show me it.

"Man we look stupid."

"You look stupid, I look fabulous." Felix said giggling. He got up to get a snack while I read over some of the comments:

'Pewdiepie you look so happy in this video! Hope to see more like this! Brofist'

'This was so cute!'

'(Y/n) is so pretty, you guys should do more videos together!"

'Where's Marzia? Did you guys break up?'

'Are you and her dating?'

'I ship the two of you together so much! Hopefully Marzia doesn't get to jealous'

More than half of the comments were either asking if me and Felix were dating, or asking where Marzia went.

"Hey Felix, you should check this out." I showed his all of the comments and he asked me to move over so he could make another video. He turned on the camera and started to talk.

"How's it goin' bros my name is Pewwwdiepieee." He said with a little less energy than usual. "In the last video you guys saw that it was only me and (y/n) and not Marzia. The reason why is because we broke up. Well I broke up with her. Long story short I got home and found her 'doing it' with another guy soooo yeah were through. You guys were also asking if me and (y/n) were dating. We're not dating right now, but we'll probably make lots more videos together. Well thats all for today, stay awesome bros. Brofist."

What did he mean by 'not dating right now'? Is he saying that we might date in the future? All of a sudden I see Felix trying to talk to me.

"Hello? Earth to (y/n)?"

"Oh sorry I zoned out for a sec."

"Okay well I'm gonna go pick up a pizza for lunch, you can do whatever you want just down burn the place down." He said laughing and walked out the door.

I decided to play one of Felix's video games from his huge selection. He had practically every game that has ever came out. I finally picked out 'The Legend Of Zelda: Skyword Sword' because it was one of my favorites out of the series. I played for about an hour before I heard the door open.

"So I see the gamer girl couldn't resist herself." Said the Swede.

"Oh shut up. What took you so long?" I questioned.

"Well, I got the pizza, but somehow I managed to get a hole in my shoe, so I went to the store to get new ones." He said pointing at his feet.

"Ooo so fabulous."

"I know right, but wait there's more!" He said like they do in the infomercials. Just then he pulls out a beautiful blue sun-dress with floral print on it. "I saw it and thought of you, so I bought it."

"Aw Felix you shouldn't have. Its beautiful!"

"Go try it on. I wanna see what I spent $60 bucks on." He said with a smile.

"What!? You spent $60 bucks on me!? I have to pay you back."

"Oh shut up and put it on." He joked.

I smiled and walked into the bedroom to put it on. I twirled around in the mirror and watched as the dress perfectly spun with me. It was perfect. I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hey can I see yet?" Felix anxiously said.

"Yeah, yeah give me a sec." I said as I opened the door to show him. He just stood there staring at me. It was uncomfortable, but I kind of liked him starring.

"Oh... uh... you... you look great." He said scratching the back of his neck with a smile. He could tell I was blushing. "Hey how bout' we go on a picnic!"

"Uh sure. I'll go get changed-"

"No!.... uh... I mean... the pizza. Yeah, the pizza, Its getting cold we should go right now." Felix interrupted.

"Um okay I'll get my purse."


Goddamn she looks great in that dress. Wait. What am I thinking? She's my best friend, she would never like me. Do I even like her? Whenever she smiles or laughs I just can help but fall for her. Whats wrong with me?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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