Chapter 2

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Hiiiiii so I'm going to do chapter 3 know sooo we'll just read it hehe. FYI UMM THIS mark here { } means that ummm their concions are talking to them hehe weird


Ari's pov

'Hey I taught we're getting ice cream first ?' I said to Jade,who was driving the car ' yeah we are, we're going to Selena's shop to get ice cream' jade said, YES! I love Selena's ice cream if your wondering who is Selena she is our managers friend who works at the ice cream shop near our school 'Hollywood Of Talent' yeah she is pretty popular cause of her ice cream, it's so delicious and I love as much as I love bible hehe so now were in Jade's range rover driving to Selena's shop. Now Vanessa is beside me listening to music on her phone while closing her eyes, love is texting her brother about something and Lucy is talking to Jade about our play at school hehe

1 Hour later

'Yay! We're here ' I screamed and rushed in to Selena's shop while the girls are walking in with a smile, so we all went to the counter and saw Selena cleaning so I said to her 'Hi Selena we're back !' 'Oh hello girls, so the same ice cream ' she said and we all nodded after a few minutes she came back with our ice cream ' alright double chocolate with sprinkle for Love, chocolate mint with gummy bears for Lucy, vanilla and cherry on top for Jade, strawberry with chocolate sauce on top for Vanessa and lastly Blueberry flavor and sprinkles on top for Ariana.' She said while giving us our ice cream. ' thanks Selena and here we wanted to give you this ' Lucy said while giving her amen envelope. Selena looked confused so she opened It and saw it was a check of $900 in side her eyes was wide and she looked at us with tears of joy ' oh my you guys don't need to give me this ' ' no you must have it and we heard about your shop is about to close down because you don't have money to pay your fine sooo-' Vanessa said ' we collected enough money for you to pay your fine and get to buy your clothing and what so ever ' Lea finished we all smiled and Selena hugged us so tightly that Lucy was about to lose air hehe typical Lucy. So after we waved goodbye we headed to school and we finished our ice cream. When were at school we went to our locker and got our stuff for first period which was Acting class hehe we love acting class that's were our good yes crazy friend sicowizt teach us and yeah he's crazy hehe anyway we hurried there before we're late.

10 minutes later

Yeah so now were at sikowitzs class room and I'm going to be in the act maybe in a few minutes with Vanessa and Lea, I'm playing the part of Rydel which is a popular girl and Vanessa is acting as Christie my BFF and Lea is acting as a Nice girl which Rydel and Christie hate hehe. 'Alright class now we're going to rehearse for the play now Nessa,Ari and Lea please come up and do your scene' sikowitzs said while going to the back. So we all went to get on stage and started acting.

'Umm what are you doing here loser' I said with a serious tone while snapping my fingers, 'umm I'm just going to visit my BFF which is selena'Lea said with a nice tone, 'ummm but guess what she's our and you will never have her bac-' ' Sorry for the interruption but Ariana,Jade,Lucy,Lea and Vanessa please come to the principle office right now please' our friend Tori walked in and told us so we all looked at sicowizt and yeah he gave us the sign to leave so we all hurried out and left class.

Vanessa's pov

Hmmm I wonder why the principle called us?

Jade's pov

Why must she call us

Love's pov

Are we in trouble

Lucy's pov

I hope it's nothing serious?

Little mix pov

Are we in trouble?

Ariana's pov

Maybe she wanted to talk to us about something important so right now we're in the hallway talking about what's going on and I can tell the girls are worried about what's happening so I told them to calm down and relax, after a few minutes we are at the principal office waiting for her to explain and boy, it was so long to keep quit until Jade said 'Are we in trouble?' 'Oh no you guys aren't I just need to tell you guys that there is new students coming today at lunch and a swell I can trust all of you to help them catch up and show them around campus for awhile and I will give you guys a free period for the whole day until tomorrow, so is that ok with all of you ?'the principal asked and yeah we nodded and shrugged so know we are dismissed and all of us went to our locker which was decorated since it's the rule that you must decorate your locker, mine was black and is was written on my name on it at with name of my favorite band, Nessa has hers green in color with a sign said 'Make It Shine' on it, Jade obviously has the batman sign on her locker and is also black, Lucy's was decorated with Pink painted Flowers and some roses while Lea has hers look like a beach with shells on it so know we all headed to lunch while we waited for the knew students we all ate, I ate Nachos, lea at salad cause she liked a healthy diet, Jade is eating skittles she doesn't really eat anything from the cafeteria, Lucy at Fries with cheese and Vanessa at a doughnut, so after eating we sited at a nearby tree which was our favorite spot in this school and yeah so we waited , Me and Vanessa were listening to music,Lucy was relaxing on my leg which her head was on my leg, Lea was looking around the campus and Jade was on her phone looking at Instagram.But then Love shaked me from my daydream saying ' Hey guys! Look it's the car that principal told us about common we gotta greet them' typical love anyway we all hurried to the car and we saw 5 guys getting out of the car and might I say they look hot until Jade spoke up ' ummm Hi I'm Jade Thrilwall and my girls and I are suppose to suwon you around campus right' ' Yeah I'm Gabe' the guy said which look like he's from Miami and shook her hand while looking in her eyes, ohhh lala Jade has a crush hehe anyway Jade is introduce us ' So This is Love but call her Lea,beside her is Lucy, and the girl with brownish hair is Vanessa and lastly That's ariana but we call her Ari ' ' Hi very nice to meet you guys' we said and then Gabe introduced us to the guys ' Beside me is Dana, and the guy who looks like Chinese is Willjay , beside him is Cole and the one who is wearing eyeliner is Dalton and it's nice to meet you guys' wow I guess Jade likes Gabe , Vanessa likes cole , lea like Dana and lucy likes will hehe love birds but even though I could see dalton staring at me I just try to pretend I didn't see it cause I get shy hehe ' Anyway so let's take you guys to you locker so you can settle in' Lea said ' yeah so let's go' nessa said while walking to our school

And to be continued


Hey guys so well that's chapter 2 hoped you like it ;)

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